Christian  Doabler
Repeated reading interventions for students with learning disabilities: Status of the evidence
DJ Chard, LR Ketterlin-Geller, SK Baker, C Doabler, C Apichatabutra
Exceptional Children 75 (3), 263-281, 2009
Teaching writing to at-risk students: The quality of evidence for self-regulated strategy development
SK Baker, DJ Chard, LR Ketterlin-Geller, C Apichatabutra, C Doabler
Exceptional children 75 (3), 303-318, 2009
Explicit mathematics instruction: What teachers can do for teaching students with mathematics difficulties
CT Doabler, H Fien
Intervention in School and Clinic 48 (5), 276-285, 2013
The impact of a comprehensive Tier I core kindergarten program on the achievement of students at risk in mathematics
B Clarke, K Smolkowski, SK Baker, H Fien, CT Doabler, DJ Chard
The Elementary School Journal 111 (4), 561-584, 2011
Examining the association between explicit mathematics instruction and student mathematics achievement
CT Doabler, SK Baker, DB Kosty, K Smolkowski, B Clarke, SJ Miller, ...
The Elementary School Journal 115 (3), 303-333, 2015
Examining the efficacy of a Tier 2 kindergarten mathematics intervention
B Clarke, CT Doabler, K Smolkowski, SK Baker, H Fien, M Strand Cary
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (2), 152-165, 2016
Enhancing core mathematics instruction for students at risk for mathematics disabilities
CT Doabler, MS Cary, K Jungjohann, B Clarke, H Fien, S Baker, ...
Teaching Exceptional Children 44 (4), 48-57, 2012
Evaluating three elementary mathematics programs for presence of eight research-based instructional design principles
CT Doabler, H Fien, NJ Nelson-Walker, SK Baker
Learning Disability Quarterly 35 (4), 200-211, 2012
Preliminary evaluation of a tier 2 mathematics intervention for first-grade students: Using a theory of change to guide formative evaluation activities
B Clarke, CT Doabler, M Strand Cary, D Kosty, S Baker, H Fien, ...
School Psychology Review 43 (2), 160-178, 2014
Testing the immediate and long-term efficacy of a tier 2 kindergarten mathematics intervention
B Clarke, C Doabler, K Smolkowski, E Kurtz Nelson, H Fien, SK Baker, ...
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 9 (4), 607-634, 2016
Using explicit and systematic instruction to support working memory
JLM Smith, L Sáez, CT Doabler
TEACHING Exceptional Children 48 (6), 275-281, 2016
A synthesis of technology-mediated mathematics interventions for students with or at risk for mathematics learning disabilities
EW Kiru, CT Doabler, AM Sorrells, NA Cooc
Journal of Special Education Technology 33 (2), 111-123, 2018
Testing the efficacy of a kindergarten mathematics intervention by small group size
B Clarke, CT Doabler, D Kosty, E Kurtz Nelson, K Smolkowski, H Fien, ...
AERA open 3 (2), 2332858417706899, 2017
Testing the efficacy of a tier 2 mathematics intervention: A conceptual replication study
CT Doabler, B Clarke, DB Kosty, E Kurtz-Nelson, H Fien, K Smolkowski, ...
Exceptional Children 83 (1), 92-110, 2016
Examining teachers’ use of evidence-based practices during core mathematics instruction
CT Doabler, NJ Nelson, DB Kosty, H Fien, SK Baker, K Smolkowski, ...
Assessment for Effective Intervention 39 (2), 99-111, 2014
Effective instructional strategies for kindergarten and first-grade students at risk in mathematics
B Clarke, CT Doabler, NJ Nelson, C Shanley
Intervention in School and Clinic 50 (5), 257-265, 2015
Early number skills gains and mathematics achievement: Intervening to establish successful early mathematics trajectories
L Shanley, B Clarke, CT Doabler, E Kurtz-Nelson, H Fien
The Journal of Special Education 51 (3), 177-188, 2017
An examination of the promise of the NumberShire Level 1 gaming intervention for improving student mathematics outcomes
H Fien, CT Doabler, NJ Nelson, DB Kosty, B Clarke, SK Baker
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 9 (4), 635-661, 2016
Adapting evidence-based practices to meet the needs of English learners with mathematics difficulties
CT Doabler, NJ Nelson, B Clarke
Teaching Exceptional Children 48 (6), 301-310, 2016
The science behind curriculum development and evaluation: Taking a design science approach in the production of a tier 2 mathematics curriculum
CT Doabler, B Clarke, H Fien, SK Baker, DB Kosty, MS Cary
Learning Disability Quarterly 38 (2), 97-111, 2015
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