Scott K. Robinson
Scott K. Robinson
Professor, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
在 flmnh.ufl.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Regional effects of forest fragmentation on the nesting success of migratory birds.
JF Robinson, S. K., F. R. Thompson, T. M. Donovan, D. R. Whitehead
Science 267, 1987-1990, 1995
Structure and organization of an Amazonian forest bird community
J Terborgh, SK Robinson, TA Parker III, CA Munn, N Pierpont
Ecological Monographs 60 (2), 213-238, 1990
Foraging behavior of forest birds: the relationships among search tactics, diet, and habitat structure
SK Robinson, RT Holmes
Ecology 63 (6), 1918-1931, 1982
The role of disturbance in the ecology and conservation of birds
JD Brawn, SK Robinson, FR Thompson III
Annual review of Ecology and Systematics 32 (1), 251-276, 2001
A classification scheme for foraging behavior of birds in terrestrial habitats
JV Remsen, SK Robinson
Studies in avian biology 13 (1), 144-160, 1990
Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: key findings and future challenges
MC Wilson, XY Chen, RT Corlett, RK Didham, P Ding, RD Holt, M Holyoak, ...
Landscape Ecology 31, 219-227, 2016
Tree species preferences of foraging insectivorous birds in a northern hardwoods forest
RT Holmes, SK Robinson
Oecologia 48, 31-35, 1981
Source‐sink population dynamics may complicate the interpretation of long‐term census data
JD Brawn, SK Robinson
Ecology 77 (1), 3-12, 1996
Confronting climate change in the Great Lakes region: impacts on our communities and ecosystems
GW Kling, K Hayhoe, LB Johnson, DJ Magnuson, S Polasky, ...
Union of Concerned Scientists; Ecological Society of America, 2003
Population dynamics of breeding Neotropical migrants in a fragmented Illinois landscape.
SK Robinson
Effects of prairie fragmentation on the nest success of breeding birds in the midcontinental United States
JR Herkert, DL Reinking, DA Wiedenfeld, M Winter, JL Zimmerman, ...
Conservation Biology 17 (2), 587-594, 2003
Effects of plant species and foliage structure on the foraging behavior of forest birds
SK Robinson, RT Holmes
The Auk 101 (4), 672-684, 1984
Interspecific aggression and habitat selection by Amazonian birds
SK Robinson, J Terborgh
Journal of Animal Ecology, 1-11, 1995
Squeezed at the top: Interspecific aggression may constrain elevational ranges in tropical birds
JE Jankowski, SK Robinson, DJ Levey
Ecology 91 (7), 1877-1884, 2010
Nesting success of understory forest birds in central Panama
WD Robinson, TR Robinson, SK Robinson, JD Brawn
Journal of Avian Biology 31 (2), 151-164, 2000
Parasitic birds and their hosts
SI Rothstein, SK Robinson
Oxford University Press, 1998
Forest bird community structure in central Panama: influence of spatial scale and biogeography
WD Robinson, JD Brawn, SK Robinson
Ecological monographs 70 (2), 209-235, 2000
Birds defend trees from herbivores in a Neotropical forest canopy
SA Van Bael, JD Brawn, SK Robinson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (14), 8304-8307, 2003
Retaliatory mafia behavior by a parasitic cowbird favors host acceptance of parasitic eggs
JP Hoover, SK Robinson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (11), 4479-4483, 2007
Ecology and behavior of cowbirds and their impact on host populations
SK Robinson, SI Rothstein, MC Brittingham, LJ Petit, JA Grzybowski
NCASI Technical Bulletin, 450, 1999
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