Helia Zandi
Intelligent multi-zone residential HVAC control strategy based on deep reinforcement learning
F Li, Y Du
Deep Learning for Power System Applications: Case Studies Linking Artificial …, 2023
A scalable and distributed algorithm for managing residential demand response programs using alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
X Kou, F Li, J Dong, M Starke, J Munk, Y Xue, M Olama, H Zandi
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6), 4871-4882, 2020
Approximating Nash equilibrium in day-ahead electricity market bidding with multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
Y Du, F Li, H Zandi, Y Xue
Journal of modern power systems and clean energy 9 (3), 534-544, 2021
Multi-task deep reinforcement learning for intelligent multi-zone residential HVAC control
Y Du, F Li, J Munk, K Kurte, O Kotevska, K Amasyali, H Zandi
Electric Power Systems Research 192, 106959, 2021
Model-based and data-driven HVAC control strategies for residential demand response
X Kou, Y Du, F Li, H Pulgar-Painemal, H Zandi, J Dong, MM Olama
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 8, 186-197, 2021
A comprehensive scheduling framework using SP-ADMM for residential demand response with weather and consumer uncertainties
X Kou, F Li, J Dong, M Olama, M Starke, Y Chen, H Zandi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (4), 3004-3016, 2020
Ten questions concerning reinforcement learning for building energy management
Z Nagy, G Henze, S Dey, J Arroyo, L Helsen, X Zhang, B Chen, ...
Building and Environment 241, 110435, 2023
Evaluating the adaptability of reinforcement learning based HVAC control for residential houses
K Kurte, J Munk, O Kotevska, K Amasyali, R Smith, E McKee, Y Du, B Cui, ...
Sustainability 12 (18), 7727, 2020
Home energy management systems: an overview
H Zandi, T Kuruganti, EA Vineyard, D Fugate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2018
COVID-19 pandemic ramifications on residential Smart homes energy use load profiles
S Chinthavali, V Tansakul, S Lee, M Whitehead, A Tabassum, M Bhandari, ...
Energy and Buildings 259, 111847, 2022
Deep reinforcement learning for autonomous water heater control
K Amasyali, J Munk, K Kurte, T Kuruganti, H Zandi
Buildings 11 (11), 548, 2021
Agent-based system for transactive control of smart residential neighborhoods
M Starke, J Munk, H Zandi, T Kuruganti, H Buckberry, J Hall, J Leverette
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Methodology for interpretable reinforcement learning model for HVAC energy control
O Kotevska, J Munk, K Kurte, Y Du, K Amasyali, RW Smith, H Zandi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1555-1564, 2020
Real-time MPC for residential building water heater systems to support the electric grid
M Starke, J Munk, H Zandi, T Kuruganti, H Buckberry, J Hall, J Leverette
2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2020
Demonstration of intelligent HVAC load management with deep reinforcement learning: real-world experience of machine learning in demand control
Y Du, F Li, K Kurte, J Munk, H Zandi
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 20 (3), 42-53, 2022
A distributed energy management approach for residential demand response
X Kou, F Li, J Dong, M Starke, J Munk, T Kuruganti, H Zandi
2019 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC …, 2019
Rl-hems: Reinforcement learning based home energy management system for hvac energy optimization
O Kotevska, K Kurte, J Munk, T Johnston, E Mckee, K Perumalla, H Zandi
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2020
Comparative analysis of model-free and model-based HVAC control for residential demand response
K Kurte, K Amasyali, J Munk, H Zandi
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on systems for energy …, 2021
Real-time automated hazard detection framework for health information technology systems
OA Omitaomu, O Ozmen, MM Olama, LL Pullum, T Kuruganti, J Nutaro, ...
Health Systems 8 (3), 190-202, 2019
PReach: reachability in probabilistic signaling networks
H Gabr, A Todor, H Zandi, A Dobra, T Kahveci
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational …, 2013
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