The positive impact of children with an intellectual disability on the family T Stainton, H Besser Journal of intellectual and developmental disability 23 (1), 57-70, 1998 | 437 | 1998 |
Your friends don’t understand’: Invisibility and unmet need in the lives of ‘young carers N Thomas, T Stainton, S Jackson, WY Cheung, S Doubtfire, A Webb Child & Family Social Work 8 (1), 35-46, 2003 | 283 | 2003 |
‘I have got my life back’: users' experience of direct payments T Stainton*, S Boyce Disability & Society 19 (5), 443-454, 2004 | 147 | 2004 |
Disability: Definitions, value and identity M Bonner CRC Press, 2023 | 105 | 2023 |
Ageing adults with intellectual disabilities: Self-advocates' and family members' perspectives about the future RD Hole, T Stainton, L Wilson Australian Social Work 66 (4), 571-589, 2013 | 89 | 2013 |
Taking rights structurally: Disability, rights and social worker responses to direct payments T Stainton British Journal of Social Work 32 (6), 751-763, 2002 | 88 | 2002 |
Empowerment and the architecture of rights based social policy T Stainton Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 9 (4), 289-298, 2005 | 84 | 2005 |
Individualized funding interventions to improve health and social care outcomes for people with a disability: a mixed‐methods systematic review P Fleming, S McGilloway, M Hernon, M Furlong, S O'Doherty, F Keogh, ... Campbell Systematic Reviews 15 (1-2), 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
Reason and value: The thought of Plato and Aristotle and the construction of intellectual disability T Stainton Mental retardation 39 (6), 452-460, 2001 | 70 | 2001 |
Intellectual disability and the myth of the changeling myth CF Goodey, T Stainton Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 37 (3), 223-240, 2001 | 67 | 2001 |
Autonomy and social policy: Rights, mental handicap, and community care T Stainton | 67 | 1994 |
Young carers: Mature before their time G Charles, T Stainton, S Marshall Reclaiming children and youth 18 (2), 38, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Getting it “right”: how collaborative relationships between people with disabilities and professionals can lead to the acquisition of needed assistive technology P Johnston, LM Currie, D Drynan, T Stainton, L Jongbloed Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 9 (5), 421-431, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Reason, grace and charity: Augustine and the impact of church doctrine on the construction of intellectual disability T Stainton Disability & society 23 (5), 485-496, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
Supported decision-making in Canada: principles, policy, and practice T Stainton Research and practice in Intellectual and developmental Disabilities 3 (1), 1-11, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Les jeunes aidants au Canada: Young carers in Canada: the hidden costs and benefits of young caregiving C Grant Vanier Institute of the Family, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Removing barriers to work: Flexible employment options for people with disabilities in BC: Full research report M Cohen, M Goldberg, I Nick Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Social work and disability: An uneasy relationship T Stainton, L Chenoweth, C Bigby Taylor & Francis Group 63 (1), 1-3, 2010 | 40 | 2010 |
Young carers in Canada: An invisible population G Charles, T Stainton, S Marshall Relational Child and Youth Care Practice 21 (4), 5-12, 2008 | 39 | 2008 |
Comparison of community residential supports on measures of information & planning; access to & delivery of supports; choice & control; community connections; satisfaction; and … T Stainton, J Brown, C Crawford, R Hole, G Charles Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 55 (8), 732-745, 2011 | 38 | 2011 |