Jacques Periaux
Jacques Periaux
Distinguished TEKES Professor ( Univ. of Jyvaskyla). Visiting Scientist at CIMNE.
A fictitious domain approach to the direct numerical simulation of incompressible viscous flow past moving rigid bodies: application to particulate flow
R Glowinski, TW Pan, TI Hesla, DD Joseph, J Periaux
Journal of computational physics 169 (2), 363-426, 2001
A fictitious domain method for Dirichlet problem and applications
R Glowinski, TW Pan, J Periaux
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 111 (3-4), 283-303, 1994
Numerical methods for the Navier-Stokes equations. Applications to the simulation of compressible and incompressible viscous flows
MO Bristeau, R Glowinski, J Periaux
Computer Physics Reports 6 (1-6), 73-187, 1987
Genetic algorithms in engineering and computer science
G Winter, J Périaux, M Galán, P Cuesta
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996
A fictitious domain method for external incompressible viscous flow modeled by Navier-Stokes equations
R Glowinski, TW Pan, J Periaux
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 112 (1-4), 133-148, 1994
Active control and drag optimization for flow past a circular cylinder: I. Oscillatory cylinder rotation
JW He, R Glowinski, R Metcalfe, A Nordlander, J Periaux
Journal of Computational Physics 163 (1), 83-117, 2000
Genetic algorithms and evolution strategies in engineering and computer science
D Quagliarella, J Périaux, C Poloni, G Winter
Jhon Wiley & Sons, 1997
Domain decomposition methods for nonlinear problems in fluid dynamics
R Glowinski, QV Dinh, J Periaux
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 40 (1), 27-109, 1983
Multidisciplinary shape optimization in aerodynamics and electromagnetics using genetic algorithms
RAE Mäkinen, J Périaux, J Toivanen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 30 (2), 149-159, 1999
Distributed Lagrange multiplier methods for incompressible viscous flow around moving rigid bodies
R Glowinski, TW Pan, J Periaux
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 151 (1-2), 181-194, 1998
Fourth international symposium on domain decomposition methods for partial differential equations
R Glowinski
Siam, 1991
Domain decomposition methods
TF Chan, R Glowinski, J Périaux, OB Wildlund
Domain decomposition methods: proceedings of the Second International …, 1989
Overview on drag reduction technologies for civil transport aircraft
J Reneaux
ONERA: Tire a Part, 1-18, 2004
A distributed Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method for flows around moving rigid bodies: application to particulate flow
R Glowinski, TW Pan, TI Hesla, DD Joseph, J Periaux
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 30 (8), 1043-1066, 1999
Toward realistic performance bounds for implicit CFD codes
WD Gropp, DK Kaushik, DE Keyes, BF Smith
Proceedings of parallel CFD 99, 233-240, 1999
A hierarchical genetic algorithm using multiple models for optimization
M Sefrioui, J Périaux
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, 879-888, 2000
Combining game theory and genetic algorithms with application to DDM-nozzle optimization problems
J Périaux, HQ Chen, B Mantel, M Sefrioui, HT Sui
Finite elements in analysis and design 37 (5), 417-429, 2001
A distributed Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method for the simulation of flow around moving rigid bodies: application to particulate flow
R Glowinski, TW Pan, TI Hesla, DD Joseph, J Periaux
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 184 (2-4), 241-267, 2000
Analysis of laminar flow over a backward facing step
K Morgan, J Periaux, F Thomasset
F. Vieweg & Sohn 9, 245-267, 1984
Numerical simulation of 3-D hypersonic Euler flows around space vehicles using adapted finite elements
B Stoufflet, J Periaux, F Fezoui, A Dervieux
25th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 560, 1987
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