Per Ahlgren
Per Ahlgren
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Requirements for a cocitation similarity measure, with special reference to Pearson's correlation coefficient
P Ahlgren, B Jarneving, R Rousseau
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (6 …, 2003
Document–document similarity approaches and science mapping: Experimental comparison of five approaches
P Ahlgren, C Colliander
Journal of informetrics 3 (1), 49-63, 2009
Bibliographic coupling, common abstract stems and clustering: A comparison of two document-document similarity approaches in the context of science mapping
P Ahlgren, B Jarneving
Scientometrics 76 (2), 273-290, 2008
Author co-citation analysis and Pearson’s r
P Ahlgren, B Javerning, R Rousseau
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 55 (9 …, 2004
Field normalized citation rates, field normalized journal impact and Norwegian weights for allocation of university research funds
P Ahlgren, C Colliander, O Persson
Scientometrics 92 (3), 767-780, 2012
The effects and their stability of field normalization baseline on relative performance with respect to citation impact: A case study of 20 natural science departments
C Colliander, P Ahlgren
Journal of Informetrics 5 (1), 101-113, 2011
Granularity of algorithmically constructed publication-level classifications of research publications: Identification of topics
P Sjögårde, P Ahlgren
Journal of Informetrics 12 (1), 133-152, 2018
A proposal for a first-citation-speed-index
L Egghe, L Bornmann, R Guns
Journal of Informetrics 5 (1), 181-186, 2011
The correlation between citation-based and expert-based assessments of publication channels: SNIP and SJR vs. Norwegian quality assessments
P Ahlgren, L Waltman
Journal of Informetrics 8 (4), 985-996, 2014
Exploring the relation between referencing practices and citation impact: A large‐scale study based on Web of Science data
P Ahlgren, C Colliander, P Sjögårde
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69 (5 …, 2018
Experimental comparison of first and second-order similarities in a scientometric context
C Colliander, P Ahlgren
Scientometrics 90 (2), 675-685, 2012
Enhancing direct citations: A comparison of relatedness measures for community detection in a large set of PubMed publications
P Ahlgren, Y Chen, C Colliander, NJ van Eck
Quantitative Science Studies 1 (2), 714-729, 2020
Granularity of algorithmically constructed publication-level classifications of research publications: Identification of specialties
P Sjögårde, P Ahlgren
Quantitative Science Studies 1 (1), 207-238, 2020
The effects of indexing strategy-query term combination on retrieval effectiveness in a Swedish full text database
P Ahlgren
Göteborgs universitet, 2004
Using multi-level frontiers in DEA models to grade countries/territories
G Yang, P Ahlgren, L Yang, R Rousseau, J Ding
Journal of Informetrics 10 (1), 238-253, 2016
Bibliometric analysis of two subdomains in philosophy: Free will and sorites
P Ahlgren, P Pagin, O Persson, M Svedberg
Scientometrics 103, 47-73, 2015
Geographical distance in bibliometric relations within epistemic communities
P Ahlgren, O Persson, R Tijssen
Scientometrics 95, 771-784, 2013
Rejoinder: In defense of formal methods
P Ahlgren, B Jarneving, R Rousseau
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 55 (10), 936, 2004
Evaluation of retrieval effectiveness with incomplete relevance data: Theoretical and experimental comparison of three measures
P Ahlgren, L Grönqvist
Information processing & management 44 (1), 212-225, 2008
Retrieval evaluation with incomplete relevance data: A comparative study of three measures
P Ahlgren, L Grönqvist
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on information and …, 2006
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