Karen Mohr
Karen Mohr
Associate Deputy Director for Atmospheres
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Mesoscale convective systems defined by their 85-GHz ice scattering signature: Size and intensity comparison over tropical oceans and continents
KI Mohr, EJ Zipser
Monthly Weather Review 124 (11), 2417-2437, 1996
Effects of aerosol optical properties on deep convective clouds and radiative forcing
J Fan, R Zhang, WK Tao, KI Mohr
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D8), 2008
The contribution to tropical rainfall with respect to convective system type, size, and intensity estimated from the 85-GHz ice-scattering signature
KI Mohr, JS Famiglietti, EJ Zipser
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 38 (5), 596-606, 1999
Validation of IMERG precipitation in Africa
AK Dezfuli, CM Ichoku, GJ Huffman, KI Mohr, JS Selker, N van de Giesen, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (10), 2817-2825, 2017
A continental-scale classification of rainfall seasonality regimes in Africa based on gridded precipitation and land surface temperature products
SM Herrmann, KI Mohr
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 50 (12), 2504-2513, 2011
Intense convective systems in West Africa and their relationship to the African easterly jet
KI Mohr, CD Thorncroft
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2006
Defining mesoscale convective systems by their 85-GHz ice-scattering signatures
KI Mohr, EJ Zipser
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 77 (6), 1179-1190, 1996
Interannual, monthly, and regional variability in the wet season diurnal cycle of precipitation in sub-Saharan Africa
KI Mohr
Journal of climate 17 (12), 2441-2453, 2004
Attributing tropical cyclogenesis to equatorial waves in the western North Pacific
CJ Schreck, J Molinari, KI Mohr
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (2), 195-209, 2011
Global precipitation estimates from cross-track passive microwave observations using a physically based retrieval scheme
C Kidd, T Matsui, J Chern, K Mohr, C Kummerow, D Randel
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (1), 383-400, 2016
A comparison of WSR-88D reflectivities, SSM/I brightness temperatures, and lightning for mesoscale convective systems in Texas. Part I: Radar reflectivity and lightning
ER Toracinta, KI Mohr, EJ Zipser, RE Orville
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 35 (6), 902-918, 1996
The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model (GCE): Improvements and applications for studying precipitation processes
WK Tao, S Lang, X Zeng, X Li, T Matsui, K Mohr, D Posselt, J Chern, ...
Atmospheric Research 143, 392-424, 2014
Numerical studies of wet versus dry soil regimes in the West African Sahel
CJ Alonge, KI Mohr, WK Tao
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (1), 102-116, 2007
Precipitation characteristics in West and East Africa from satellite and in situ observations
AK Dezfuli, CM Ichoku, KI Mohr, GJ Huffman
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (6), 1799-1805, 2017
Modeling soil moisture and surface flux variability with an untuned land surface scheme: A case study from the Southern Great Plains 1997 Hydrology Experiment
KI Mohr, JS Famiglietti, A Boone, PJ Starks
Journal of hydrometeorology 1 (2), 154-169, 2000
The role of convective processes over the Zaire‐Congo basin to the southern hemispheric ozone maximum
GS Jenkins, K Mohr, VR Morris, O Arino
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D15), 18963-18980, 1997
The sensitivity of West African convective line water budgets to land cover
KI Mohr, RD Baker, WK Tao, JS Famiglietti
Journal of Hydrometeorology 4 (1), 62-76, 2003
Characteristics of Precipitation Features and Annual Rainfall during the TRMM Era in the Central Andes
KI Mohr, D Slayback, K Yager
Journal of Climate 27 (11), 3982–4001, 2014
A Comparison of WSR-88D Reflectivities, SSM/I Brightness Temperatures, and Lightning for Mesoseale Convective Systems in Texas. Part II. SSM/I Brightness Temperatures and Lightning
KI Mohr, R Toracinta, EJ Zipser, RE Orville
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 35 (6), 919-931, 1996
The NASA-goddard multi-scale modeling framework–land information system: global land/atmosphere interaction with resolved convection
KI Mohr, WK Tao, JD Chern, SV Kumar, CD Peters-Lidard
Environmental modelling & software 39, 103-115, 2013
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