Haley Murphy
Haley Murphy
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Trusting government to mitigate a new hazard: The case of Oklahoma earthquakes
H Murphy, A Greer, HC Wu
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 9 (3), 357-380, 2018
Enhancing adaptive performance in emergency response: Empowerment practices and the moderating role of tempo balance
D Huntsman, A Greer, H Murphy, S Haynes
Safety science 134, 105060, 2021
Preparing for the new normal: Students and earthquake hazard adjustments in Oklahoma
HC Wu, A Greer, HC Murphy, R Chang
International journal of disaster risk reduction 25, 312-323, 2017
Structured to partner: School district collaboration with nonprofit organizations in disaster response
S Robinson, H Murphy, A Bies
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 5 (1), 77-95, 2014
A serendipitous, quasi-natural experiment: Earthquake risk perceptions and hazard adjustments among college students
A Greer, HC Wu, H Murphy
Natural Hazards 93, 987-1011, 2018
Household adjustment to seismicity in Oklahoma
A Greer, HC Wu, H Murphy
Earthquake Spectra 36 (4), 2019-2032, 2020
Perceived stakeholder information credibility and hazard adjustments: A case of induced seismic activities in Oklahoma
HC Wu, A Greer, H Murphy
Natural hazards review 21 (3), 04020017, 2020
Frontiers for the study of nonprofit organizations in disasters
SE Robinson, H Murphy
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 4 (2), 128-134, 2013
Governmental influences on organizational capacity: The case of child welfare nonprofits
H Murphy, RW Robichau
Nonprofit Policy Forum 7 (3), 339-367, 2016
Maintaining the status quo: understanding local use of resilience strategies to address earthquake risk in Oklahoma
RHH Chang, A Greer, H Murphy, HCT Wu, S Melton
Local Disaster Management, 141-160, 2020
Bridging cultures: Nonprofit, church, and emergency management agency collaboration after the May 2013 Oklahoma tornado outbreak.
H Murphy, J Pudlo
Journal of Emergency Management (Weston, Mass.) 15 (3), 157-174, 2017
Does etiology matter? Exploring attitudes towards tornado and earthquake hazards
A Greer, HC Wu, H Murphy
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 76, 103005, 2022
Professional and organizational diversity: the importance of understanding differences among subfields in the nonprofit sector
H Murphy
The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership 7 (1), 2017
A serial mediation model exploring the impact of high performance human resource practices on public sector performance through intermediate employee attitudes
D Huntsman, A Greer, H Murphy, X Li
International Journal of Public Administration 46 (15), 1106-1121, 2023
The effects of empowerment at multiple leadership levels in the fire service: a moderated mediation model
D Huntsman, A Greer, H Murphy, X Li
International Journal of Emergency Services 11 (2), 338-360, 2022
Leveraging justice: How leaders influence performance determinants in the fire service
D Huntsman, A Greer, H Murphy
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 11 (3), 270-295, 2020
Policing in natural disasters: stress, resilience, and the challenges of emergency management
H Murphy
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 29 (4), 648-650, 2019
Nonprofit organizations and disaster: individual, organizational and network approaches to emergency management
S Robinson, H Murphy
Westphalia Press, 2017
Household hurricane evacuation during a dual-threat event: Hurricane Laura and COVID-19
A Greer, D Huntsman, HC Wu, H Murphy, L Clay
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 121, 103820, 2023
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Police as Emergency Responders: Organizational or Personal Resilience?
H Murphy
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 29 (4), 648-650, 2019
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