Wong Sin Yeng
Wong Sin Yeng
Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
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Relationships within the Araceae: comparison of morphological patterns with molecular phylogenies
N Cusimano, J Bogner, SJ Mayo, PC Boyce, SY Wong, M Hesse, ...
American Journal of Botany 98 (4), 654-668, 2011
Phylogeny of Asian Homalomena (Araceae) based on the ITS region combined with morphological and chemical data
WS Yeng, TP Jean, NK Kiaw, AS Othman, LH Boon, FB Ahmad, PC Boyce
Systematic Botany 38 (3), 589-599, 2013
Molecular phylogeny of tribe Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) based on two plastid markers and recognition of a new tribe, Philonotieae, from the neotropics
SY Wong, PC Boyce, AS bin Othman, LC Pin
Taxon 59 (1), 117-124, 2010
The Araceae of Borneo-the genera
PC Boyce, SY Wong, APJ Ting, SE Low, SL Low, KK Ng, IH Ooi
Aroideana 33, 3-74, 2010
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo I. Four new species and preliminary thoughts on informal species groups in Sarawak
PC Boyce, SY Wong
Gard. Bull. Singapore 60 (1), 1-29, 2008
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VII: Schottarum and Bakoa, two new genera from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo
PC Boyce, SY Wong
Botanical Studies 49 (4), 393-404, 2008
Naming the chaos: generic redelimitation in Schismatoglottideae (Araceae)
SL Low, SY Wong, PC Boyce
Webbia 73 (1), S1-S100, 2018
Compendium genera Aracearum malesianum
PC Boyce, SY Wong
Aroideana 38 (0), 40-177, 2015
Flowering mechanisms, pollination strategies and floral scent analyses of syntopically co‐flowering Homalomena spp. (Araceae) on Borneo
YC Hoe, M Gibernau, ACD Maia, SY Wong
Plant Biology 18 (4), 563-576, 2016
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo IX: A new genus, Hestia, and resurrection of Apoballis
SY Wong, PC Boyce
Botanical Studies (Taipei) 51, 249-255, 2010
Interactive web-taxonomy for the Araceae: www. cate-araceae. org
A Haigh, SJ Mayo, T Croat, L Reynolds, MM Pinto, PC Boyce, L Lay, ...
Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 54 (1-2), 13-15, 2009
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XI: Ooia, a new genus, and a new generic delimitation for Piptospatha.
SY Wong, PC Boyce
Botanical Studies 51 (4), 2010
Resurrection and new species of the Neotropical genus Adelonema (Araceae: Philodendron clade)
WS Yeng, AW Meerow, TB Croat
Systematic Botany 41 (1), 32-48, 2016
Schismatoglottis and Apoballis (Araceae: Schismatoglottideae): A new example for the significance of pollen morphology in Araceae systematics
S Ulrich, M Hesse, D Bröderbauer, SY Wong, PC Boyce
Taxon 61 (2), 281-292, 2012
Diversity of pollination ecology in the Schismatoglottis Calyptrata Complex Clade (Araceae)
YC Hoe, M Gibernau, SY Wong
Plant Biology 20 (3), 563-578, 2018
The Araceae of Malesia I: Introduction
PC Boyce, SY Wong
Malayan Nature Journal 64 (1), 33-67, 2012
Rheophytism in bornean schismatoglottideae (Araceae)
WS Yeng
Systematic Botany 38 (1), 32-45, 2013
Schottarum (Schismatoglottideae: Araceae) substantiated based on combined nuclear and plastid DNA sequences
SL Low, SY Wong, PC Boyce
Plant systematics and evolution 300, 607-617, 2014
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo VIII: Delimitation of additional informal suprageneric taxa for Sundaic Homalomena
NK Kiaw, S Othman, PC Boyce, WS Yeng
Webbia 66 (1), 21-28, 2011
Floral diversity and pollination strategies of three rheophytic Schismatoglottideae (Araceae)
SL Low, SY Wong, IH Ooi, M Hesse, Y Städler, J Schönenberger, ...
Plant Biology 18 (1), 84-97, 2016
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