João Pedro Ferreira
João Pedro Ferreira
Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia
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Parking at the UC campus: Problems and solutions
E Barata, L Cruz, JP Ferreira
Cities 28 (5), 406-413, 2011
Energy efficiency of higher education buildings: a case study
N Soares, L Dias Pereira, J Ferreira, P Conceição, P Pereira da Silva
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 16 (5), 669-691, 2015
The challenging paradigm of interrelated energy systems towards a more sustainable future
N Soares, AG Martins, AL Carvalho, C Caldeira, C Du, É Castanheira, ...
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 95, 171-193, 2018
A reconnaissance through the history of shift-share analysis
ML Lahr, JP Ferreira
Handbook of regional science, 25-39, 2021
Performance in urban public transport systems: a critical analysis of the Portuguese case
L Cruz, E Barata, JP Ferreira
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 61 (7), 730-751, 2012
The rise of the sharing economy: Guesthouse boom and the crowding-out effects of tourism in Lisbon
JP Ferreira, PN Ramos, ML Lahr
Tourism economics 26 (3), 389-403, 2020
Greening transportation and parking at University of Coimbra
L Cruz, E Barata, JP Ferreira, F Freire
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 18 (1), 23-38, 2017
The impact of Covid‐19 on global value chains: Disruption in nonessential goods production
JP Ferreira, P Ramos, E Barata, C Court, L Cruz
Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2021
Intraregional trade shares for goods-producing industries: RPC estimates using EU data
M Lahr, JP Ferreira, J Tobben
Papers in Regional Science, 2020
Economic, social, energy and environmental assessment of inter-municipality commuting: The case of Portugal
JP Ferreira, E Barata, PN Ramos, L Cruz
Energy Policy 66, 411-418, 2014
The opportunity costs of commuting: the value of a commuting satellite account framework with an example from Lisbon Metropolitan Area
JP Ferreira, P Ramos, L Cruz, E Barata
Economic Systems Research 30 (1), 105-119, 2018
The economic value for cycling – a methodological assessment for Starter Cities
JP Ferreira, C Isidoro, F Moura e Sá, J Mota
Hábitat y Sociedad 13 (November), 29-45, 2020
Supporting national-level policies for sustainable consumption in Portugal: A socio-economic Ecological Footprint analysis
JP Ferreira, JL Marques, S Moreno Pires, K Iha, A Galli
Ecological Economics, 2022
A Bi-Regional (Rectangular) Input-Output Model for Portugal: Centro and Rest of the Country
P Ramos, L Cruz, E Barata, A Parreiral, JP Ferreira
Assessment Methodologies: energy, mobility and other real world application, 265, 2015
Os modelos Input‐Output, a estrutura setorial das economias e o impacto da crise da COVID 19
P Ramos, JP Ferreira, L Cruz, E Barata
GEE Paper, 2020
Impacts of red tide in peer-to-peer accommodations: A multi-regional input-output model
JP Ferreira, B Bijen Saha, G Carrero, K Jin-won, C Court
Tourism Economics, 1-23, 2022
Port wine value chain: from the Douro Valley to Oporto Cellars
JP Ferreira, PN Ramos, L Cruz, E Barata, M Lahr
British Food Journal 121 (2), 466-478, 2019
Modeling commuting patterns in a multi-regional input–output framework: impacts of an ‘urban re-centralization’scenario
JP Ferreira, P Ramos, L Cruz, E Barata
Journal of Geographical Systems 19, 301-317, 2017
Energy–Economy–Environment Interactions: A Comparative Analysis of Lisbon and Sao Paulo Metropolitan Areas
L Cruz, D Imori, JP Ferreira, J Guilhoto, E Barata, P Ramos
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (JEAPM) 21 (01), 1-28, 2019
Accounting for global value chains: rising global inequality in the wake of COVID-19?
C Court, JP Ferreira, G Hewings, M Lahr
International Review of Applied Economics, 2021
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