Johannes König
Johannes König
Professor for Empirical School Research, University of Cologne
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Adapting to online teaching during COVID-19 school closure: teacher education and teacher competence effects among early career teachers in Germany
J König, DJ Jäger-Biela, N Glutsch
European journal of teacher education 43 (4), 608-622, 2020
Teachers’ professional competence and wellbeing: Understanding the links between general pedagogical knowledge, self-efficacy and burnout
F Lauermann, J König
Learning and Instruction 45, 9-19, 2016
Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: Effects on general pedagogical knowledge during initial teacher education
J König, M Rothland
Asia-Pacific journal of teacher education 40 (3), 289-315, 2012
Is teachers' general pedagogical knowledge a premise for noticing and interpreting classroom situations? A video-based assessment approach
J König, S Blömeke, P Klein, U Suhl, A Busse, G Kaiser
Teaching and teacher education 38, 76-88, 2014
General pedagogical knowledge of future middle school teachers: On the complex ecology of teacher education in the United States, Germany, and Taiwan
J König, S Blömeke, L Paine, WH Schmidt, FJ Hsieh
Journal of teacher education 62 (2), 188-201, 2011
About the complexities of video-based assessments: Theoretical and methodological approaches to overcoming shortcomings of research on teachers’ competence
G Kaiser, A Busse, J Hoth, J König, S Blömeke
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 13, 369-387, 2015
Professional competencies of (prospective) mathematics teachers—Cognitive versus situated approaches
G Kaiser, S Blömeke, J König, A Busse, M Döhrmann, J Hoth
Educational studies in mathematics 94, 161-182, 2017
Pädagogisches Wissen von angehenden Lehrkräften
J König, S Blömeke
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 12 (3), 499-527, 2009
General pedagogical knowledge, self-efficacy and instructional practice: Disentangling their relationship in pre-service teacher education
F Depaepe, J König
Teaching and teacher education 69, 177-190, 2018
Teachers’ professional knowledge for teaching English as a foreign language: Assessing the outcomes of teacher education
J König, S Lammerding, G Nold, A Rohde, S Strauß, S Tachtsoglou
Journal of teacher education 67 (4), 320-337, 2016
Is teacher knowledge associated with performance? On the relationship between teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge and instructional quality
J König, B Pflanzl
European Journal of Teacher Education 39 (4), 419-436, 2016
Mathematics teacher learning to notice: A systematic review of studies of video-based programs
R Santagata, J König, T Scheiner, H Nguyen, AK Adleff, X Yang, G Kaiser
ZDM–Mathematics Education 53 (1), 119-134, 2021
Lehramtsstudierende erwerben pädagogisches Professionswissen. Ergebnisse der Längsschnittstudie LEK zur Wirksamkeit der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Lehrerausbildung
J König, A Seifert
Münster; New York; München; Berlin: Waxmann, 2012
Teacher professional knowledge and classroom management: On the relation of general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) and classroom management expertise (CME)
J König, C Kramer
ZDM 48, 139-151, 2016
The relation between content-specific and general teacher knowledge and skills
S Blömeke, A Busse, G Kaiser, J König, U Suhl
Teaching and Teacher Education 56, 35-46, 2016
Lehrerberuf und Lehrerbildung. Studientexte Bildungswissenschaften
P Herzmann, J König
Utb, 2015
Competence measurement in (mathematics) teacher education and beyond: Implications for policy
G Kaiser, J König
Higher Education Policy 32 (4), 597-615, 2019
Pädagogisches Wissen und berufsspezifische Motivation am Anfang der Lehrerausbildung. Zum Verhältnis von kognitiven und nicht-kognitiven Eingangsmerkmalen von Lehramtsstudierenden
J König, M Rothland
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 59 (1), 43-65, 2013
Effects of opportunities to learn in teacher preparation on future teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge: Analyzing program characteristics and outcomes
J König, R Ligtvoet, S Klemenz, M Rothland
Studies in Educational Evaluation 53, 122-133, 2017
Von der Lehrerausbildung in den Beruf–Fachbezogenes Wissen als Voraussetzung für Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Handeln im Unterricht
S Blömeke, J König, A Busse, U Suhl, J Benthien, M Döhrmann, G Kaiser
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 509-542, 2014
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