Reproductive strategies in two closely related stony corals (Agaricia, Scleractinia) G Van Moorsel Mar Ecol Prog Ser 13, 273-283, 1983 | 173 | 1983 |
Benthic biodiversity on old platforms, young wind farms, and rocky reefs JWP Coolen, B Van Der Weide, J Cuperus, M Blomberg, ... ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (3), 1250-1265, 2020 | 110 | 2020 |
Early maximum growth of stony corals(Scleractinia) after settlement on artificial substrata on a Caribbean reef. G Van Moorsel Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 50 (1), 127-135, 1988 | 80 | 1988 |
Disturbance and growth of juvenile corals (Agaricia humilis and Agaricia agaricites, Scleractinia) in natural habitats on the reef of Curacao G Van Moorsel Mar Ecol Prog Ser 24, 99-112, 1985 | 67 | 1985 |
The North-American amphipods, Melita nitida Smith, 1873 and Incisocalliope aestuarius (Watling and Maurer, 1973)(Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea), introduced to the Western … M Faasse, G van Moorsel Aquatic Ecology 37 (1), 13-22, 2003 | 56 | 2003 |
Helioseris cucullata as a host coral at St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean BW Hoeksema, M van Beusekom, HA ten Hove, VN Ivanenko, ... Marine Biodiversity 47, 71-78, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Ecologie van de Klaverbank G Van Moorsel EcoSub, 2003 | 34 | 2003 |
Shipwrecks on the Dutch continental shelf as artificial reefs R Leewis, GV Moorsel, H Waardenburg Artificial reefs in European seas, 419-434, 2000 | 31 | 2000 |
Nieuwe en minder bekende vlokreeftjes van sublitorale harde bodems in het Deltagebied (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea) MA Faasse, G van Moorsel Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 11, 19-44, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
The Klaverbank (North Sea), geomorphology, macrobenthic ecology and the effect of gravel extraction GWNM van Moorsel Bureau Waardenburg, 1994 | 24 | 1994 |
Long-term recovery of geomorphology and population development of large molluscs after gravel extraction at the Klaverbank (North Sea) GWNM van Moorsel Bureau Waardenburg, 1993 | 21 | 1993 |
The Australian feather-duster worm Laonome calida M Capa, G Van Moorsel, D Tempelman Capa, 1-11, 2007 | 19 | 2007 |
Lettuce corals overgrowing tube sponges at St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean JE García-Hernández, GWNM van Moorsel, BW Hoeksema Marine Biodiversity 47, 55-56, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
The Australian feather-duster worm Laonome calida Capa, 2007 (Annelida: Sabellidae) introduced into European inland waters? M Capa, G Van Moorsel, D Tempelman BioInvasions Record 3 (1), 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Het leven op en rond scheepswrakken en andere harde substraten in de Noordzee (1986 T/M 1990) een synthese G Van Moorsel, HW Waardenburg, J Van der Horst Bureau Waardenburg bv, Culemborg, 1991 | 18 | 1991 |
Extension of the Recorded Host Range of Caribbean Christmas Tree Worms (Spirobranchus spp.) with Two Scleractinians, a Zoantharian, and an Ascidian BW Hoeksema, JE García-Hernández, GWNM van Moorsel, G Olthof, ... Diversity 12 (3), 115, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Biomonitoring van levensgemeenschappen op sublitorale harde substraten in Grevelingenmeer, Oosterschelde, Veerse Meer en Westerschelde, resultaten t/m 1998 G van Moorsel Bureau Waardenburg bv, 1999 | 16 | 1999 |
Ecologische aspecten plaatsing zendmast Delta Radio in de Noordzee S Dirksen, R Lensink, G van Moorsel, J van der Winden Twee notitie. Rapport 99, 1999 | 16 | 1999 |
Biomonitoring van levensgemeenschappen op sublitorale harde substraten in Grevelingenmeer, Oosterschelde, Veerse Meer en Westerschelde, resultaten t/m 1994 G Van Moorsel, HW Waardenburg, J Van der Horst Bureau Waardenburg bv, Culemborg, 1995 | 16* | 1995 |
Widespread Occurrence of a Rarely Known Association between the Hydrocorals Stylaster roseus and Millepora alcicornis at Bonaire, Southern Caribbean S Montano, JD Reimer, VN Ivanenko, JE García-Hernández, ... Diversity 12 (6), 218, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |