Benqi Guo
Benqi Guo
Professor of Mathematics, University of Manitoba
在 umanitoba.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
The h-p version of the finite element method: Part 1: The basic approximation results
B Guo, I Babuška
Computational Mechanics 1 (1), 21-41, 1986
The Version of the Finite Element Method for Domains with Curved Boundaries
I Babuška, BQ Guo
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 25 (4), 837-861, 1988
Regularity of the solution of elliptic problems with piecewise analytic data. Part I. Boundary value problems for linear elliptic equation of second order
I Babuška, BQ Guo
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 19 (1), 172-203, 1988
The h-p version of the finite element method: Part 2: General results and applications
B Guo, I Babuška
Computational Mechanics 1 (3), 203-220, 1986
Approximation properties of the hp version of the finite element method
I Babuška, BQ Guo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 133 (3-4), 319-346, 1996
The h, p and hp version of the finite element method; basis theory and applications
I Babuška, BQ Guo
Advances in Engineering Software 15 (3-4), 159-174, 1992
Direct and inverse approximation theorems for the p-version of the finite element method in the framework of weighted Besov spaces. Part I: Approximability of functions in the …
I Babuska, B Guo
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 39 (5), 1512-1538, 2002
Regularity of the solution of elliptic problems with piecewise analytic data. II: The trace spaces and application to the boundary value problems with nonhomogeneous boundary …
I Babuška, BQ Guo
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 20 (4), 763-781, 1989
Optimal estimates for lower and upper bounds of approximation errors in the p-version of the finite element method in two dimensions
I BabuškaRID="*" ID="*" Partially supported by the US office of Naval ...
Numerische Mathematik 85 (2), 219-255, 2000
Regularity of the solutions for elliptic problems on nonsmooth domains in ℝ3, part I: countably normed spaces on polyhedral domains
B Guo, I Babuška
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 127 (1 …, 1997
On the exponential convergence of the hp version for boundary element Galerkin methods on polygons
I Babuška, BQ Guo, EP Stephan
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 12 (5), 413-427, 1990
A preconditioner for the-version of the finite element method in two dimensions
B Guo, W Cao
Numerische Mathematik 75 (1), 59-77, 1996
An - Version of the Continuous Petrov--Galerkin Finite Element Method for Volterra Integro-Differential Equations with Smooth and Nonsmooth Kernels
L Yi, B Guo
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (6), 2677-2704, 2015
Analytic regularity of Stokes flow on polygonal domains in countably weighted Sobolev spaces
B Guo, C Schwab
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 190 (1-2), 487-519, 2006
The hp version of the finite element method for solving boundary value problems in polyhedral domains
BQ Guo
Boundary value problems and integral equations in nonsmooth domains 167, 101-120, 1994
Finite element method for solving problems with singular solutions
I Babuška, B Andersson, B Guo, JM Melenk, HS Oh
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 74 (1-2), 51-70, 1996
The hp version of the finite element method for problems with nonhomogeneous essential boundary condition
I Babuška, BQ Guo
Computer Methods in applied mechanics and engineering 74 (1), 1-28, 1989
An additive Schwarz preconditioner for p-version boundary element approximation of the hypersingular operator in three dimensions
M Ainsworth, B Guo
Numerische Mathematik 85 (3), 343-366, 2000
Theh−p version of the finite element method for elliptic equations of order2m
BQ Guo
Numerische Mathematik 53, 199-224, 1988
An Additive Schwarz Method for the h-p Version of the Finite Element Method in Three Dimensions
B Guo, W Cao
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 35 (2), 632-654, 1998
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