Categories for software engineering JL Fiadeiro Springer Science & Business Media, 2005 | 274 | 2005 |
Temporal theories as modularisation units for concurrent system specification J Fiadeiro, T Maibaum Formal aspects of Computing 4, 239-272, 1992 | 226 | 1992 |
Structuring theories on consequence J Fiadeiro, A Sernadas Workshop on the Specification of Abstract Data Types, 44-72, 1987 | 202 | 1987 |
A graph based architectural (re) configuration language M Wermelinger, A Lopes, JL Fiadeiro Proceedings of the 8th European software engineering conference held jointly …, 2001 | 180 | 2001 |
A graph transformation approach to software architecture reconfiguration M Wermelinger, JL Fiadeiro Science of Computer Programming 44 (2), 133-155, 2002 | 172 | 2002 |
Categorical semantics of parallel program design JL Fiadeiro, T Maibaum Science of Computer Programming 28 (2-3), 111-138, 1997 | 151 | 1997 |
Sharing actions and attributes in modal action logic M Ryan, J Fiadeiro, T Maibaum Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: International Conference TACS'91 …, 1991 | 137 | 1991 |
A formal approach to service component architecture JL Fiadeiro, A Lopes, L Bocchi Web Services and Formal Methods: Third International Workshop, WS-FM 2006 …, 2006 | 133 | 2006 |
Describing, structuring and implementing objects J Fiadeiro, T Maibaum Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages: REX School/Workshop …, 1991 | 122 | 1991 |
Sometimes “Tomorrow” is “Sometime” Action refinement in a temporal logic of objects JL Fiadeiro, T Maibaum International Conference on Temporal Logic, 48-66, 1994 | 109 | 1994 |
Interconnecting objects via contracts LF Andrade, JL Fiadeiro International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, 566-583, 1999 | 105 | 1999 |
Chapter 5. A mathematical semantics for architectural connectors JL Fiadeiro, A Lopes, M Wermelinger Generic Programming: Advanced Lectures, 178-221, 2003 | 102 | 2003 |
Semantics of architectural connectors JL Fiadeiro, A Lopes Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming, 503-519, 1997 | 101 | 1997 |
The basic building blocks of information systems A Sernadas, J Fiadero, C Sernadas, HD Ehrich, ED Falkenberg Information System Concepts: An In-Depth Analysis, 1989 | 101 | 1989 |
Agility through coordination LF Andrade, JL Fiadeiro Information Systems 27 (6), 411-424, 2002 | 93* | 2002 |
Temporal reasoning over deontic specifications J Fiadeiro, T Maibaum Journal of Logic and Computation 1 (3), 357-395, 1991 | 89 | 1991 |
Algebraic software architecture reconfiguration M Wermelinger, JL Fiadeiro ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 24 (6), 393-409, 1999 | 87 | 1999 |
A model for dynamic reconfiguration in service-oriented architectures JL Fiadeiro, A Lopes Software & Systems Modeling 12, 349-367, 2013 | 79 | 2013 |
Connectors for mobile programs M Wermelinger, JL Fiadeiro IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 24 (5), 331-341, 1998 | 77 | 1998 |
Interconnecting formalisms: supporting modularity, reuse and incrementality JL Fiadeiro, T Maibaum Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Foundations of software …, 1995 | 74 | 1995 |