Cathy E. Bacon
Cathy E. Bacon
Marine Mammal Biologist, HDR Inc.
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Cetacean Mother-calf Behavior Observed from a Small Aircraft off Southern California
MA Smultea, D Fertl, CE Bacon, M Moore, V James, B Würsig
Animal Behavior and Cognition 4 (1), 1-23, 2017
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) hotspots defined by bathymetric features off Western Puerto Rico
MM MacKay, B Würsig, CE Bacon, JD Selwyn
Canadian Journal of Zoology 94 (7), 517-527, 2016
Mixed-species Associations of Marine Mammals in the Southern California Bight, with Emphasis on Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus)
CE Bacon, MA Smultea, D Fertl, B Würsig, E Burgess, S Hawks-Johnson
Aquatic Mammals 43 (2), 177-184, 2017
Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera brydei/edeni) Sightings in the Southern California Bight
MA Smultea, AB Douglas, C Bacon, TA Jefferson, L Mazzuca
Aquatic Mammals 38 (1), 92-97, 2012
Rare Mixed-Species Associations Between Sperm Whales and Risso's and Northern Right Whale Dolphins Off the Southern California Bight: Kleptoparasitism and Social Parasitism?
MA Smultea, C Bacon, K Lomac-MacNair, F Visser, J Bredvik
Northwest Naturalist 95 (1), 43-49, 2014
A comprehensive report of aerial marine mammal monitoring in the Southern California Range Complex: 2008-2012
MA Smultea, CE Bacon
Prepared for Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Submitted …, 2012
Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Behavior near Icebreaker Operations
MA Smultea, J Brueggeman, F Robertson, D Fertl, C Bacon, RA Rowlett, ...
Arctic 69 (2), 177-184, 2016
Southern California Bight marine mammal density and abundance from aerial surveys, 2008-2013
TA Jefferson, MA Smultea, CE Bacon
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology 7 (2), 14-30, 2014
Comparison of Blue and Fin Whale Behavior, Headings and Group Characteristics in the Southern California Bight during Summer and Fall 2008-2010
C Bacon, M Smultea, B Würsig, K Lomac-MacNair
Southern California Marine Mammal Workshop, 2012
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) intra/inter-seasonal exchanges between Puerto Rico and the Southeastern Caribbean
M MacKay, C Bacon, L Bouveret, S Fossette, P Stevick
Animal Behavior and Cognition 6 (2), 98-104, 2019
Density and Abundance of Marine Mammals Derived from 2008-2011 aerial surveys within the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex
TA Jefferson, MA Smultea, J Black, C Bacon
Final Report. Prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC …, 2012
Summary of systematic bowhead surveys conducted in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 1975-2009
MA Smultea, D Fert, DJ Rugh, CE Bacon
NOAA Tech. Memo, 48, 2012
Aerial Survey Monitoring for Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles in the Hawaii Range Complex in Conjunction with U.S. Navy Training Events
J Mobley, M Smultea, C Bacon, A Frankel
90-Day Report for Marine Mammal Monitoring and Mitigation during BPXA Liberty Shallow Geohazard Seismic and Seabed Mapping Survey, Beaufort Sea, Alaska, July-August 2014.
MA Smultea, K Lomac-MacNair, P Haase, CE Bacon
Submitted to BPXA, Prepared by Smultea Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 256 …, 2014
Density and Abundance of Marine Mammals Derived from 2008-2012 Aerial Surveys within the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex
TA Jefferson, MA Smultea, C Bacon, J Black
Report, 2012
Aerial surveys of marine mammal/sea turtle presence and behavior from 29 March to 3 April and 12–20 April 2011 in the SOCAL range complex, Post-Survey Summary Report
MA Smultea, C Bacon, J Black
Prepared for Commander, US Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI., 2011
Aerial surveys of marine mammal/sea turtle presence and behavior from 9–14 May 2011 in the SOCAL range complex, Post-Survey Summary Report
MA Smultea, J Black, C Bacon
Prepared for Commander, US Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI. Submitted to …, 2011
Field research to monitor presence, distribution and behaviour of cetaceans in the Turks and Caicos Islands with particular focus on humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae …
KA Hart, CE Bacon
Department of Environment and CoastalResources, Ministry of Tourism …, 2022
Puget Sound Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys 2013-2015
M Smultea, C Bacon, D Steckler, M Cotter
Puget Sound Estuary Marine Mammal Working Group Meeting, 2015
History of Bowhead Surveys in the US Beaufort and Chukchi Seas~ 1975-2009
MA Smultea, D Fertl, DJ Rugh, C Bacon
Alaska Marine Sciences Symposium, 2010
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