Andrew Zucker
Andrew Zucker
Concord Consortium (retired)
在 concord.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Teaching for meaning in high-poverty classrooms
MS Knapp, NE Adelman, C Marder, H McCollum, MC Needels, C Padilla, ...
Teachers' College Press, New York, 1995
The virtual high school: Teaching generation V
AA Zucker, R Kozma
Teachers College Press, 2003
Laptop programs for students
AA Zucker, D Light
Science 323 (5910), 82-85, 2009
A study of one-to-one computer use in mathematics and science instruction at the secondary level in Henrico County Public Schools
A Zucker, R McGhee
Arlington, VA: SRI International, 2005
Evaluation of NSF's Statewide Systemic Initiatives (SSI) Program: The SSIs and professional development for teachers
TB Corcoran, PM Shields, AA Zucker
National Science Foundation, 1998
Teaching and learning physics in a 1: 1 laptop school
AA Zucker, ST Hug
Journal of Science Education and technology 17, 586-594, 2008
Developing a research agenda for ubiquitous computing in schools
A Zucker
Journal of Educational Computing Research 30 (4), 371-386, 2004
Transforming Schools with Technology
AA Zucker
Independent School 68 (2), 22-30, 2009
Transforming schools with technology: How smart use of digital tools helps achieve six key education goals
A Zucker
Learning science in grades 3–8 using probeware and computers: Findings from the TEEMSS II project
AA Zucker, R Tinker, C Staudt, A Mansfield, S Metcalf
Journal of Science Education and Technology 17, 42-48, 2008
The integrated studies of educational technology: Professional development and teachers’ use of technology
N Adelman, MB Donnelly, T Dove, J Tiffany-Morales, A Wayne, A Zucker
Arlington, VA: SRI International, 2002
Lessons Learned About Providing Laptops for All Students.
A Bonifaz, A Zucker
Education Development Center, Inc., 2004
An evaluation of the Virtual High School after one year in operation
R Kozma, A Zucker, C Espinoza, V Young, K Valdés, HP Schools
Arlington, VA: SRI International. Retrieved July 31, 2005, 1998
The online course experience: Evaluation of the Virtual High School’s third year of implementation, 1999-2000
R Kozma, A Zucker, C Espinoza, R McGhee, L Yarnall, D Zalles, A Lewis, ...
Retrieved from the World Wide Web at: http://www. sri. com/policy/ctl/html …, 2000
A Study of the 1: 1 Laptop Program at the Denver School of Science & Technology.
AA Zucker, ST Hug
Online Submission, 2007
A report on the evaluation of the National Science Foundation’s Statewide Systemic Initiatives (SSI) Program
AA Zucker, PM Shields, NE Adelman, TB Corcoran, ME Goertz, ...
Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 1998
An evaluation of the Virtual High School after two years in operation
C Espinoza, T Dove, A Zucker, R Kozma, V Young, K Valdés, HP Schools
Arlington, VA: SRI International. Retrieved July 31, 2005, 1999
An expert panel review of the quality of Virtual High School courses
K Yamashiro, A Zucker, E Pape, HP Schools
SRI International, 1999
Assessing the SSIs’ Impacts on Student Achievement: An Imperfect Science
KG Laguarda, D Goldstein, NA Adelman, AA Zucker
SRI International, 1998
Evaluation of the National Science Foundation's Statewide Systemic Initiatives (SSI) Program. Second-Year Case Studies: Connecticut, Delaware, and Montana.
AA Zucker, PM Shields
National Science Foundation, Directorate for Education and Human Resources …, 1995
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