Anne Helder
A cognitive view of reading comprehension: Implications for reading difficulties
P Kendeou, P Van Den Broek, A Helder, J Karlsson
Learning disabilities research & practice 29 (1), 10-16, 2014
Cognitive processes in discourse comprehension: passive processes, reader-initiated processes, and evolving mental representations
P van den Broek, A Helder
Discourse Processes 54 (5-6), 360-372, 2017
Sensitivity to structural centrality: Developmental and individual differences in reading comprehension skills
PW Van den Broek, A Helder, L Van Leijenhorst
Reading: From words to multiple texts, 132-146, 2013
Coherence monitoring by good and poor comprehenders in elementary school: Comparing offline and online measures
A Helder, L Van Leijenhorst, P van den Broek
Learning and Individual Differences 48, 17-23, 2016
Profiles of young readers: Evidence from thinking aloud while reading narrative and expository texts
J Karlsson, P van den Broek, A Helder, M Hickendorff, A Koornneef, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 67, 105-116, 2018
Sources of comprehension problems during reading
A Helder, P van den Broek, L Van Leijenhorst, K Beker
Unraveling reading comprehension: Behavioral, neurobiological, and genetic …, 2013
Neural Correlates of Coherence-Break Detection During Reading of Narratives
A Helder, P van den Broek, J Karlsson, L Van Leijenhorst
Scientific Studies of Reading 21 (6), 463-479, 2017
Progress in reading science: Word identification, comprehension, and universal perspectives
C Perfetti, A Helder
The Science of Reading: A Handbook, 5-35, 2022
Incremental Comprehension Examined in Event-related Potentials: Word-to-Text Integration and Structure Building
C Perfetti, A Helder
Discourse Processes 58 (1), 2-21, 2021
Developing reading comprehension interventions
P van den Broek, C Espin, K McMaster, A Helder
Developmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy: In honor of …, 2017
ERP Indicators of local and global text influences on word-to-text integration
A Helder, CA Perfetti, P van den Broek, JZ Stafura, RC Calloway
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34 (1), 13-28, 2019
Thematic influences on word-to-text integration across a sentence boundary
A Helder, CA Perfetti, P van den Broek
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35 (10), 1239-1256, 2020
A measure of individual differences in readers’ approaches to text and its relation to reading experience and reading comprehension
RC Calloway, A Helder, CA Perfetti
Behavior Research Methods 55 (2), 899-931, 2023
De ontwikkeling van begrijpend lezen: Oorzaken van succes en falen vanuit een cognitief perspectief
A Helder*, A Kraal*, P van den Broek
Hoe maakbaar is de lezer?, 59-78, 2015
Werk aan het opbouwen van kennis
ML van Moort, A Helder, PW van den Broek
Stichting Lezen Reeks, 16-36, 2022
Word-to-text integration and antecedent accessibility: Eye-tracking evidence extends results of event-related potentials (ERPs).
KA Norberg, C Perfetti, A Helder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (4), 598, 2022
Sturen op Begrip: Effectief LeesonderwijsinNederland
P Van den Broek, A Helder, C Espin, M Van der Liende
RapportageaanVasteTweedeKamerCommissievoorocw. Universiteit Leiden …, 2021
Sturen op begrip: effectief leesonderwijs in Nederland: rapportage aan de Vaste 2e Kamer commissie voor OCW
PW van den Broek, A Helder, CA Espin, M Liende
Sturen op begrip: effectief leesonderwijs in Nederland: rapportage aan de …, 2021
Monitoring the coherence of texts: coherence-break detection across development
A Helder
Leiden University, 2016
Reading Science: Progress and Prospects
C Perfetti, A Helder
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