Peter Janssen
Peter Janssen
hoogleraar KU Leuven
在 med.kuleuven.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Burnout and engagement at work as a function of demands and control
E Demerouti, AB Bakker, J De Jonge, PPM Janssen, WB Schaufeli
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 279-286, 2001
A representation of the hazard rate of elapsed time in macaque area LIP
P Janssen, MN Shadlen
Nature neuroscience 8 (2), 234-241, 2005
Specific determinants of intrinsic work motivation, burnout and turnover intentions: a study among nurses
PPM Janssen, J De Jonge, AB Bakker
Journal of advanced nursing 29 (6), 1360-1369, 1999
Testing reciprocal relationships between job characteristics and psychological well‐being: A cross‐lagged structural equation model
J De Jonge, C Dormann, PPM Janssen, MF Dollard, JA Landeweerd, ...
Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology 74 (1), 29-46, 2001
Using equity theory to examine the difference between burnout and depression
AB Bakker, WB Schaufeli, E Demerouti, PPM Janssen, R Van Der Hulst, ...
Taylor & Francis Group 13 (3), 247-268, 2000
Specific determinants of intrinsic work motivation, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention: A multisample longitudinal study
I Houkes, PPM Janssen, J De Jonge, AB Bakker
Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology 76 (4), 427-450, 2003
Deep hierarchies in the primate visual cortex: What can we learn for computer vision?
N Kruger, P Janssen, S Kalkan, M Lappe, A Leonardis, J Piater, ...
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (8), 1847-1871, 2012
Work-related and individual determinants of the three burnout dimensions
PPM Janssen, WB Schaufelioe, I Houkes
Work & stress 13 (1), 74-86, 1999
Dimensionality and validity of the Burnout Measure
D Enzmann, WB Schaufeli, P Janssen, A Rozeman
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 71 (4), 331-351, 1998
Specific relationships between work characteristics and intrinsic work motivation, burnout and turnover intention: A multi-sample analysis
I Houkes, PPM Janssen, J de Jonge, FJN Nijhuis
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 10 (1), 1-23, 2001
Time and the brain: how subjective time relates to neural time
DM Eagleman, UT Peter, D Buonomano, P Janssen, AC Nobre, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (45), 10369-10371, 2005
Fatigue as a predictor of sickness absence: results from the Maastricht cohort study on fatigue at work
N Janssen, IJ Kant, GMH Swaen, PPM Janssen, CAP Schröer
Occupational and environmental medicine 60 (suppl 1), i71-i76, 2003
Specific relationships between job demands, job resources and psychological outcomes and the mediating role of negative work–home interference
PPM Janssen, MCW Peeters, J de Jonge, I Houkes, GER Tummers
Journal of vocational behavior 65 (3), 411-429, 2004
Macaque inferior temporal neurons are selective for disparity-defined three-dimensional shapes
P Janssen, R Vogels, GA Orban
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (14), 8217-8222, 1999
Selectivity for 3D shape that reveals distinct areas within macaque inferior temporal cortex
P Janssen, R Vogels, GA Orban
Science 288 (5473), 2054-2056, 2000
Three-dimensional shape coding in inferior temporal cortex
P Janssen, R Vogels, GA Orban
Neuron 27 (2), 385-397, 2000
Anterior regions of monkey parietal cortex process visual 3D shape
JB Durand, K Nelissen, O Joly, C Wardak, JT Todd, JF Norman, ...
Neuron 55 (3), 493-505, 2007
Neural effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation at the single-cell level
MC Romero, M Davare, M Armendariz, P Janssen
Nature communications 10 (1), 2642, 2019
Work-home interference, job stressors, and employee health in a longitudinal perspective.
MCW Peeters, J De Jonge, PPM Janssen, S Van Der Linden
International journal of stress management 11 (4), 305, 2004
Personality, work characteristics and employee well-being: A longitudinal analysis of additive and moderating effects.
I Houkes, PPM Janssen, J De Jonge, AB Bakker
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 8 (1), 20, 2003
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