Jaak Monbaliu
Jaak Monbaliu
在 bwk.kuleuven.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Wave modelling–the state of the art
L Cavaleri, JHGM Alves, F Ardhuin, A Babanin, M Banner, K Belibassakis, ...
Progress in oceanography 75 (4), 603-674, 2007
Statistical properties of directional ocean waves: the role of the modulational instability in the formation of extreme events
M Onorato, T Waseda, A Toffoli, L Cavaleri, O Gramstad, P Janssen, ...
Physical review letters 102 (11), 2009
Spectral partitioning and identification of wind sea and swell
J Portilla, FJ Ocampo-Torres, J Monbaliu
Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 26 (1), 107-122, 2009
Towards the identification of warning criteria: analysis of a ship accident database
A Toffoli, JM Lefevre, E Bitner-Gregersen, J Monbaliu
Applied Ocean Research 27 (6), 281-291, 2005
Statistical properties of mechanically generated surface gravity waves: a laboratory experiment in a three-dimensional wave basin
M Onorato, L Cavaleri, S Fouques, O Gramstad, PAEM Janssen, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 627, 235-257, 2009
The spectral wave model, WAM, adapted for applications with high spatial resolution
J Monbaliu, R Padilla-Hernandez, JC Hargreaves, JCC Albiach, W Luo, ...
Coastal engineering 41 (1-3), 41-62, 2000
Evolution of weakly nonlinear random directional waves: laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
A Toffoli, O Gramstad, K Trulsen, J Monbaliu, E Bitner-Gregersen, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 664, 313-336, 2010
Seasonal, neap-spring and tidal variation of cohesive sediment concentration in the Scheldt Estuary, Belgium
M Fettweis, M Sas, J Monbaliu
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 47 (1), 21-36, 1998
Measuring and analysing the directional spectrum of ocean waves
SF Barstow, JR Bidlot, S Caires, MA Donelan, WM Drennan, H Dupuis, ...
COST office, 2005
Extreme waves in random crossing seas: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
A Toffoli, EM Bitner‐Gregersen, AR Osborne, M Serio, J Monbaliu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (6), 2011
Management, research and budgetting of aggregates in shelf seas related to end-users (Marebasse)
V Van Lancker, I Du Four, E Verfaillie, S Deleu, K Schelfaut, M Fettweis, ...
A coupling module for tides, surges and waves
J Ozer, R Padilla-Hernández, J Monbaliu, EA Fanjul, JCC Albiach, ...
Coastal Engineering 41 (1-3), 95-124, 2000
Wind generated rogue waves in an annular wave flume
A Toffoli, D Proment, H Salman, J Monbaliu, F Frascoli, M Dafilis, ...
Physical review letters 118 (14), 144503, 2017
A holistic model for coastal flooding using system diagrams and the Source-Pathway-Receptor (SPR) concept
S Narayan, S Hanson, RJ Nicholls, D Clarke, P Willems, V Ntegeka, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (5), 1431-1439, 2012
Development of a bimodal structure in ocean wave spectra
A Toffoli, M Onorato, EM Bitner‐Gregersen, J Monbaliu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C3), 2010
Wave statistics in unimodal and bimodal seas from a second-order model
A Toffoli, M Onorato, J Monbaliu
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 25 (5), 649-661, 2006
Second-order theory and setup in surface gravity waves: a comparison with experimental data
A Toffoli, J Monbaliu, M Onorato, AR Osborne, AV Babanin, ...
Journal of physical oceanography 37 (11), 2726-2739, 2007
Energy balance of wind waves as a function of the bottom friction formulation
R Padilla-Hernández, J Monbaliu
Coastal Engineering 43 (2), 131-148, 2001
Wave–current interaction in the Southern North Sea
P Osuna, J Monbaliu
Journal of marine systems 52 (1-4), 65-87, 2004
The North Sea Andrea storm and numerical simulations
EM Bitner-Gregersen, L Fernández, JM Lefèvre, J Monbaliu, A Toffoli
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (6), 1407-1415, 2014
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