Nataliya Le Vine (Bulygina)
Nataliya Le Vine (Bulygina)
在 imperial.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Conditioning rainfall-runoff model parameters for ungauged catchments and land management impacts analysis
N Bulygina, N McIntyre, H Wheater
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (6), 893-904, 2009
Estimating the uncertain mathematical structure of a water balance model via Bayesian data assimilation
N Bulygina, H Gupta
Water Resources Research 45 (12), 2009
Bayesian conditioning of a rainfall‐runoff model for predicting flows in ungauged catchments and under land use changes
N Bulygina, N McIntyre, H Wheater
Water Resources Research 47 (2), 2011
Correcting the mathematical structure of a hydrological model via Bayesian data assimilation
N Bulygina, H Gupta
Water Resources Research 47 (5), 2011
Modelling the hydrological impacts of rural land use change
N McIntyre, C Ballard, M Bruen, N Bulygina, W Buytaert, I Cluckie, S Dunn, ...
Hydrology Research 45 (6), 737-754, 2014
Integrating different types of information into hydrological model parameter estimation: Application to ungauged catchments and land use scenario analysis
N Bulygina, C Ballard, N McIntyre, G O'Donnell, H Wheater
Water Resources Research 48 (6), 2012
How Bayesian data assimilation can be used to estimate the mathematical structure of a model
N Bulygina, H Gupta
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 24, 925-937, 2010
Diagnosing hydrological limitations of a land surface model: application of JULES to a deep-groundwater chalk basin
N Le Vine, A Butler, N McIntyre, C Jackson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (1), 143-159, 2016
Land use management effects on flood flows and sediments-guidance on prediction
C Ballard, N Bulygina, I Cluckie, S Dangerfield, J Ewen, Z Frogbrook, ...
CIRIA, 2013
DWEPP: a dynamic soil erosion model based on WEPP source terms
NS Bulygina, MA Nearing, JJ Stone, MH Nichols
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2007
A comparison of rainfall-runoff modelling approaches for estimating impacts of rural land management on flood flows
N Bulygina, N McIntyre, H Wheater
Hydrology Research 44 (3), 467-483, 2013
Accounting for dependencies in regionalized signatures for predictions in ungauged catchments
S Almeida, N Le Vine, N McIntyre, T Wagener, W Buytaert
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (2), 887-901, 2016
Towards understanding links between rural land management and the catchment flood hydrograph
J Ewen, G O'Donnell, N Bulygina, C Ballard, E O'Connell
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139 (671), 350-357, 2013
The potential for reducing flood risk through changes to rural land management: outcomes from the Flood Risk Management Research Consortium
N McIntyre, C Ballard, N Bulygina, Z Frogbrook, I Cluckie, S Dangerfield, ...
BHS Eleventh National Symposium, Hydrology for a changing world, 2012
Modelling the hydrological impacts of rural land use change: current state of the science and future challenges
N McIntyre, C Ballard, M Bruen, N Bulygina, W Buytaert, I Cluckie, S Dunn, ...
Hydrology for a changing world, 01-07, 2013
Improving parameter priors for data-scarce estimation problems
WB Almeida S., N. Bulygina, N. McIntyre, T. Wagener
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 6090-6095, 2013
Predicting flows in ungauged catchments using correlated information sources
S Almeida, N Bulygina, N McIntyre, T Wagener, W Buytaert
British Hydrological Society’s Eleventh National Hydrology Symposium …, 2012
Modelling environmental change: quantification of impacts of land use and land management change on UK flood risk
HS Wheater, C Ballard, N Bulygina, N Mcintyre, BM Jackson
System identification, environmental modelling, and control system design …, 2012
Multiscale impacts of land management on flooding
HS Wheater, N Mcintyre, BM Jackson, MR Marshall, C Ballard, ...
Flood risk science and management, 39-59, 2010
Combining information from multiple flood projections in a hierarchical Bayesian framework
N Le Vine
Water Resources Research 52 (4), 3258-3275, 2016
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