Xiangliang KONG
Xiangliang KONG
在 sdu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Measurement of magnetic field and relativistic electrons along a solar flare current sheet
B Chen, C Shen, DE Gary, KK Reeves, GD Fleishman, S Yu, F Guo, ...
Nature Astronomy 4 (12), 1140-1147, 2020
Radio Signatures of Coronal-mass-ejection–Streamer Interaction and Source Diagnostics of Type II Radio Burst
SW Feng, Y Chen, XL Kong, G Li, HQ Song, XS Feng, Y Liu
The Astrophysical Journal 753 (1), 21, 2012
A solar type II radio burst from coronal mass ejection-coronal ray interaction: Simultaneous radio and extreme ultraviolet imaging
Y Chen, G Du, L Feng, S Feng, X Kong, F Guo, B Wang, G Li
The Astrophysical Journal 787 (1), 59, 2014
A coronal seismological study with streamer waves
Y Chen, SW Feng, B Li, HQ Song, LD Xia, XL Kong, X Li
The Astrophysical Journal 728 (2), 147, 2011
Diagnostics on the source properties of a type II radio burst with spectral bumps
SW Feng, Y Chen, XL Kong, G Li, HQ Song, XS Feng, F Guo
The Astrophysical Journal 767 (1), 29, 2013
Coalescence of macroscopic magnetic islands and electron acceleration from STEREO observation
HQ Song, Y Chen, G Li, XL Kong, SW Feng
Physical Review X 2 (2), 021015, 2012
A broken solar type II radio burst induced by a coronal shock propagating across the streamer boundary
XL Kong, Y Chen, G Li, SW Feng, HQ Song, F Guo, FR Jiao
The Astrophysical Journal 750 (2), 158, 2012
Compound twin coronal mass ejections in the 2012 May 17 GLE event
C Shen, G Li, X Kong, J Hu, XD Sun, L Ding, Y Chen, Y Wang, L Xia
The Astrophysical Journal 763 (2), 114, 2013
The dynamical behavior of reconnection-driven termination shocks in solar flares: Magnetohydrodynamic simulations
C Shen, X Kong, F Guo, JC Raymond, B Chen
The Astrophysical Journal 869 (2), 116, 2018
On the Spectral Hardening at 300 keV in Solar Flares
G Li, X Kong, G Zank, Y Chen
The Astrophysical Journal 769 (1), 22, 2013
The acceleration of high-energy protons at coronal shocks: the effect of large-scale streamer-like magnetic field structures
X Kong, F Guo, J Giacalone, H Li, Y Chen
The Astrophysical Journal 851 (1), 38, 2017
A statistical study on the morphology of rays and dynamics of blobs in the wake of coronal mass ejections
HQ Song, XL Kong, Y Chen, B Li, G Li, SW Feng, LD Xia
Solar Physics 276 (1), 261-276, 2012
Streamer wave events observed in solar cycle 23
SW Feng, Y Chen, B Li, HQ Song, XL Kong, LD Xia, XS Feng
Solar Physics 272 (1), 119-136, 2011
The possible role of coronal streamers as magnetically closed structures in shock-induced energetic electrons and metric type II radio bursts
X Kong, Y Chen, F Guo, S Feng, B Wang, G Du, G Li
The Astrophysical Journal 798 (2), 81, 2014
An observational revisit of band-split solar type-II radio bursts
G Du, X Kong, Y Chen, S Feng, B Wang, G Li
The Astrophysical Journal 812 (1), 52, 2015
An Eruptive Hot-Channel Structure Observed at Metric Wavelength as a Moving Type-IV Solar Radio Burst
V Vasanth, Y Chen, S Feng, S Ma, G Du, H Song, X Kong, B Wang
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 830 (1), L2, 2016
Simultaneous Radio and EUV Imaging of a Multi-lane Coronal Type II Radio Burst
SW Feng, GH Du, Y Chen, XL Kong, G Li, F Guo
Solar Physics 290 (4), 1195-1205, 2015
The acceleration of energetic particles at coronal shocks and emergence of a double power-law feature in particle energy spectra
X Kong, F Guo, Y Chen, J Giacalone
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (1), 49, 2019
Plasma emission induced by electron cyclotron maser instability in solar plasmas with a large ratio of plasma frequency to gyrofrequency
S Ni, Y Chen, C Li, Z Zhang, H Ning, X Kong, B Wang, M Hosseinpour
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 891 (1), L25, 2020
The acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons by a termination shock in a magnetic trap: An explanation for nonthermal loop-top sources during solar flares
X Kong, F Guo, C Shen, B Chen, Y Chen, S Musset, L Glesener, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 887 (2), L37, 2019
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