Ole Lund
Ole Lund
Associate professor, VIA University College
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Playful approaches to learning as a realm for the humanities in the culture of higher education: A hermeneutical literature review
JB Jensen, O Pedersen, O Lund, HM Skovbjerg
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 21 (2), 198-219, 2022
Jumping together: apprenticeship learning among elite trampoline athletes
O Lund, S Ravn, MK Christensen
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 19 (4), 383-397, 2014
Positioning health professional identity: On-campus training and work-based learning
MK Christensen, J Henriksen, KR Thomsen, O Lund, AM Mørcke
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 7 (3), 275-289, 2017
Learning by joining the rhythm: apprenticeship learning in elite double sculls rowing
O Lund, S Ravn, MK Christensen
Scandinavian sport studies forum 3, 167-188, 2012
Doctoral education in a successful ecological niche: A qualitative exploratory case study of the relationship between the microclimate and doctoral students' learning to become …
MK Christensen, O Lund
International Journal of Higher Education 3 (3), 103, 2014
Qualitative analysis of MMI raters’ scorings of medical school candidates: A matter of taste?
MK Christensen, E Lykkegaard, O Lund, LD O’Neill
Advances in Health Sciences Education 23, 289-310, 2018
Shared deliberate practice: A case study of elite handball team training
O Lund, P Musaeus, MK Christensen
Athletic Insight 5 (2), 211-228, 2013
The role of expertise in playful learning activities: A design-based self-study within teacher education aimed at the development of tabletop role-playing games
MSW Boysen, O Lund, RL Jørnø, HM Skovbjerg
Teaching and Teacher Education 128, 104128, 2023
Old habits die hard: a case study on how new ways of teaching colonoscopy affect the habitus of experienced clinicians
O Lund, B Andersen, MK Christensen
International journal of medical education 7, 297, 2016
At bevæge sig dybere ind i lærestoffet: Hvordan kan kropslig bevægelse understøtte elevers boglige læring?
O Lund
Motion og bevægelse i skolen, 39-54, 2018
Being Pulled into the Drama - How Early Childhood Educators Motivate Children by Way of Bodily Contact and Movements
O Lund
American Journal of Educational Research 5 (12), 1200-1207, 2017
Treehouses and superheroes: A design-based study of psychological ownership in collaborative creativity through exchanges of presents
MSW Boysen, M Knage, KS Egelund, O Lund, HM Skovbjerg
Thinking Skills and Creativity 46, 101198, 2022
(En) action research: practice transformation through processes of participatory sense-making in educational action research
KL Madsen, O Lund, JO Jensen
Educational Action Research, 1-18, 2023
At skabe meningsfuld legende undervisning:-en bevægelses-filosofisk undersøgelse af legende tilgange til undervisning på pædagoguddannelsen
O Lund, LD Pedersen, MS Boysen, HM Skovbjerg
Nordic Studies in Education, 2023
Kropslig motivering af bevægelse i skolen
O Lund, JO Jensen
MOV: E, 2016
En sammenlignende undersøgelse af praktikforløb og færdighedstræning i tre videregående uddannelser
AM Mørcke, KR Thomsen, J Henriksen, O Lund, MK Christensen
Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift 10 (18), 51-65, 2015
Sans for bevægelse: livsnerven i pædagogisk arbejde
O Lund, JO Jensen, ( eds.)
Hans Reitzels forlag, 2020
Lidenskab: lidenskabelige bevægelser i pædagogisk praksis
O Lund
Sans for bevægelse: livsnerven i pædagogisk arbejde, 2020
(Be)Draget ind i legen - når pædagoger deltager i børns ’frie’ leg
O Lund
Legens magi - Om Det Professionelle Arbejde Med at Forstå, Understøtte …, 2019
Suget i maven er legens drivkraft
O Lund
Pædagogisk extrakt, 2015
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