Dominik Dellermann
Dominik Dellermann
vencortex® | Decision Optimization with Hybrid Intelligence
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Hybrid intelligence
D Dellermann, P Ebel, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
Business & Information Systems Engineering 61 (5), 637-643, 2019
The future of human-AI collaboration: a taxonomy of design knowledge for hybrid intelligence systems
D Dellermann, A Calma, N Lipusch, T Weber, S Weigel, P Ebel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03354, 2018
Digital innovation in the energy industry: The impact of controversies on the evolution of innovation ecosystems
M Kolloch, D Dellermann
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 136, 254-264, 2018
Design principles for a hybrid intelligence decision support system for business model validation
D Dellermann, N Lipusch, P Ebel, JM Leimeister
Electronic markets 29, 423-441, 2019
Innovation risk in digital business models: the German energy sector
D Dellermann, A Fliaster, M Kolloch
Journal of Business Strategy 38 (5), 35-43, 2017
Finding the unicorn: Predicting early stage startup success through a hybrid intelligence method
D Dellermann, N Lipusch, P Ebel, KM Popp, JM Leimeister
International Conference on Information System (ICIS), 2017
Deskilling, upskilling, and reskilling: a case for hybrid intelligence
J Rafner, D Dellermann, A Hjorth, D Veraszto, C Kampf, W MacKay, ...
Morals & Machines 1 (2), 24-39, 2022
Designing for crowdfunding co-creation: How to leverage the potential of backers for product development
N Lipusch, D Dellermann, U Bretschneider, P Ebel, JM Leimeister
Business & Information Systems Engineering 62, 483-499, 2020
The potential of collective intelligence and crowdsourcing for opportunity creation
D Dellermann, N Lipusch, P Ebel, JM Leimeister
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 12 (2), 183-207, 2020
Revisiting Citizen Science Through the Lens of Hybrid Intelligence
J Rafner, M Gajdacz, G Kragh, A Hjorth, A Gander, B Palfi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.14961, 2021
Developing design principles for a crowd-based business model validation system
D Dellermann, N Lipusch, P Ebel
Designing the Digital Transformation: 12th International Conference, DESRIST …, 2017
Innovating beyond the fuzzy front end: how to use reward-based crowdfunding to co-create with customers
N Lipusch, D Dellermann, S Oeste-Reiß, P Ebel
Going East: a framework for reverse innovation in SMEs
D Dellermann
Journal of Business Strategy 38 (3), 30-39, 2017
Combining humans and machine learning: a novel approach for evaluating crowdsourcing contributions in idea contests
D Dellermann, N Lipusch, M Li
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), 1-13, 2018
Understanding Platform Loyalty in the Cloud: A Configurational View on ISV´ s Costs and Benefits
D Dellermann, C Jud, F Reck
The antecedents of transaction costs in digital ecosystems: a configurational view on the interplay of app architecture and platform governance
D Dellermann, F Reck
Why don´ t they join? Analyzing the Nature and Consequences of Complementors´ Costs in Platform Ecosystems
D Dellermann, C Jud, KM Popp
Token-exchanges as a mechanism to create and scale blockchain platform ecosystems
N Lipusch, D Dellermann, P Ebel, A Ghazawneh, JM Leimeister
Available at SSRN 3434941, 2019
Minimizing complementors’ risk in third-party innovation: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of digital platform configurations
D Dellermann, F Reck
Heading for new shores: Crowdsourcing for entrepreneurial opportunity creation
D Dellermann, N Lipusch, PA Ebel
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