Danae L. Hudson
Danae L. Hudson
在 missouristate.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Thin is in? Think again: The rising importance of muscularity in the thin ideal female body
F Bozsik, BL Whisenhunt, DL Hudson, B Bennett, JD Lundgren
Sex Roles 79, 609-615, 2018
Readiness to change dietary restriction predicts outcomes in the eating disorders
J Geller, DL Drab-Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, S Srikameswaran
Eating Disorders 12 (3), 209-224, 2004
Examining the impact of social media on mood and body dissatisfaction using ecological momentary assessment
BL Bennett, BL Whisenhunt, DL Hudson, AF Wagner, JD Latner, ...
Journal of American College Health 68 (5), 502-508, 2020
Examination of body checking, body image dissatisfaction, and negative affect using ecological momentary assessment
EC Stefano, DL Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, EM Buchanan, JD Latner
Eating behaviors 22, 51-54, 2016
Change takes time: Understanding and responding to culture change in course redesign.
DL Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, CF Shoptaugh, ME Visio, C Cathey, AD Rost
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 1 (4), 255, 2015
Intervening with coaches to promote awareness and prevention of weight pressures in cheerleaders
BL Whisenhunt, DA Williamson, DL Drab-Hudson, H Walden
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 13, 102-110, 2008
The Introductory Psychology Census: A national study.
AS Richmond, GA Boysen, DL Hudson, RAR Gurung, KZ Naufel, ...
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 7 (3), 163, 2021
Strategies to address challenges with large classes: Can we exceed student expectations for large class experiences?
BL Whisenhunt, C Cathey, ME Visio, DL Hudson, CF Shoptaugh, AD Rost
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 5 (2), 121, 2019
Redesigning a large enrollment course: The impact on academic performance, course completion and student perceptions in introductory psychology
DL Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, CF Shoptaugh, AD Rost, ...
Psychology Learning & Teaching 13 (2), 107-119, 2014
Short-term changes in affective, behavioral, and cognitive components of body image after bariatric surgery
GA Williams, DL Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, M Stone, LJ Heinberg, ...
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 14 (4), 521-526, 2018
Transforming introductory psychology: A systematic approach to course redesign
DL Drab-Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, CF Shoptaugh, MC Newman, A Rost, ...
Psychology Learning & Teaching 11 (2), 146-157, 2012
Maximizing learning while minimizing cheating: New evidence and advice for online multiple-choice exams.
BL Whisenhunt, CL Cathey, DL Hudson, LM Needy
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 8 (2), 140, 2022
Helping When They Are Listening: A Midterm Study Skills Intervention for Introductory Psychology
CL Cathey, ME Visio, BL Whisenhunt, DL Hudson, CF Shoptaugh
Psychology Learning & Teaching 15 (3), 250-267, 2016
Evaluating the effectiveness of ecological momentary assessment and intervention targeting body checking behaviors
JM Smith, BL Whisenhunt, EM Buchanan, DL Hudson
Eating Disorders 27 (6), 521-537, 2019
An examination of body tracing among women with high body dissatisfaction
GA Williams, DL Hudson, BL Whisenhunt, JH Crowther
Body image 11 (4), 346-349, 2014
Learning how to learn from digital textbooks: Evidence-informed recommendations for instructors and students.
DL Hudson
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne 62 (4), 377, 2021
Designing the introductory psychology course: An evidence-informed framework.
BM Hard, DS Dunn, R Musselman, DL Hudson, AS Richmond
American Psychological Association, 2022
Continuation of weight loss treatment is associated with the number of self-selected treatment modalities.
CK Martin, DL Drab-Hudson, E York-Crowe, SB Mayville, Y Yu, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy 3 (3), 394, 2007
Characterization of activated metal hydride alloy
BK Zoitos, DL Hudson, PD Benett
Symp. on Hydrogen Storage Materials, Batteries and Electrochemistry, 1992
Perceptions of underweight images: Are women with anorexia nervosa perceived as attractive and healthy?
BL Whisenhunt, DL Drab-Hudson, LR Stanek, AJ Dock, BJ Allen, ...
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 17 …, 2012
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