Management control systems: performance measurement, evaluation and incentives KA Merchant, WA Van der Stede Pearson education, 2007 | 4033 | 2007 |
The design of the corporate budgeting system: influences on managerial behavior and performance KA Merchant Accounting Review, 813-829, 1981 | 1296 | 1981 |
Accounting for management control C Emmanuel, D Otley, K Merchant, C Emmanuel, D Otley, K Merchant Accounting for Management Control, 357-384, 1990 | 1233 | 1990 |
Control in business organizations KA Merchant (No Title), 1985 | 1123 | 1985 |
Modern management control systems: text and cases KA Merchant, KA Merchant Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,, 1998 | 981 | 1998 |
Budgeting and the propensity to create budgetary slack KA Merchant Accounting, Organizations and Society 10 (2), 201-210, 1985 | 761 | 1985 |
A review of the literature on control and accountability KA Merchant, DT Otley Handbooks of management accounting research 2, 785-802, 2006 | 737 | 2006 |
Determinants and effects of subjectivity in incentives M Gibbs, KA Merchant, WAV Stede, ME Vargus The Accounting Review 79 (2), 409-436, 2004 | 701 | 2004 |
Accounting: text and cases RN Anthony, JS Reece (No Title), 1999 | 691 | 1999 |
The achievability of budget targets in profit centers: A field study KA Merchant, JF Manzoni Readings in Accounting for Management Control, 496-520, 1989 | 624 | 1989 |
The effects of financial controls on data manipulation and management myopia KA Merchant Accounting, organizations and society 15 (4), 297-313, 1990 | 623 | 1990 |
The control function of management KA Merchant Sloan Management Review (Pre-1986) 23 (4), 43, 1982 | 606 | 1982 |
The dangerous morality of managing earnings WJ Bruns, K Merchant Management accounting 72 (2), 22-25, 1990 | 551 | 1990 |
Influences on departmental budgeting: An empirical examination of a contingency model KA Merchant Accounting, organizations and society 9 (3-4), 291-307, 1984 | 542 | 1984 |
Rewarding results: Motivating profit center managers KA Merchant (No Title), 1989 | 537 | 1989 |
The ethics of managing earnings: An empirical investigation KA Merchant, J Rockness Journal of Accounting and Public policy 13 (1), 79-94, 1994 | 519 | 1994 |
Field research in management accounting and control: a review and evaluation LD Ferreira, KA Merchant Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 5 (4), 0-0, 1992 | 413 | 1992 |
Organizational controls and discretionary program decision making: A field study KA Merchant Accounting, Organizations and Society 10 (1), 67-85, 1985 | 348 | 1985 |
Disciplinary constraints on the advancement of knowledge: the case of organizational incentive systems KA Merchant, WA Van der Stede, L Zheng Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2-3), 251-286, 2003 | 340 | 2003 |
Control of international joint ventures TLCM Groot, KA Merchant Accounting, Organizations and Society 25 (6), 579-607, 2000 | 339 | 2000 |