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Influenza research database: an integrated bioinformatics resource for influenza research and surveillance RB Squires, J Noronha, V Hunt, A García‐Sastre, C Macken, ... Influenza and other respiratory viruses 6 (6), 404-416, 2012 | 348 | 2012 |
Over-expression of OsDREB genes lead to enhanced drought tolerance in rice JQ Chen, XP Meng, Y Zhang, M Xia, XP Wang Biotechnology letters 30, 2191-2198, 2008 | 341 | 2008 |
Virus pathogen database and analysis resource (ViPR): a comprehensive bioinformatics database and analysis resource for the coronavirus research community BE Pickett, DS Greer, Y Zhang, L Stewart, L Zhou, G Sun, Z Gu, S Kumar, ... Viruses 4 (11), 3209-3226, 2012 | 184 | 2012 |
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Standardized metadata for human pathogen/vector genomic sequences VG Dugan, SJ Emrich, GI Giraldo-Calderón, OS Harb, RM Newman, ... PloS one 9 (6), e99979, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
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