Ellen van Oost
Ellen van Oost
在 utwente.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Materialized gender: How shavers configure the users’ femininity and masculinity
E Van Oost
Community energy storage: A responsible innovation towards a sustainable energy system?
BP Koirala, E van Oost, H van der Windt
Applied energy 231, 570-585, 2018
From innovation community to community innovation: User-initiated innovation in wireless Leiden
E Van Oost, S Verhaegh, N Oudshoorn
Science, Technology, & Human Values 34 (2), 182-205, 2009
Grassroots digital fabrication and makerspaces: Reconfiguring, relocating and recalibrating innovation?
A Smith, S Hielscher, S Dickel, J Soderberg, E van Oost
University of Sussex, SPRU Working Paper SWPS 2, 2013
Gender in the design of the digital city of Amsterdam
E Rommes, E Van Oost, N Oudshoorn
Virtual Gender, 241-261, 2005
Innovative junctions: office technologies in the Netherlands, 1880-1980
O De Wit, JCM van den Ende, J Schot, E Van Oost
Technology and Culture 43 (1), 50-72, 2002
Diversity and distributed agency in the design and use of medical video-communication technologies
NEJ Oudshoorn, MLM Brouns, ECJ van Oost
Inside the politics of technology. Agency and normativity in the co …, 2005
Towards a sociological understanding of robots as companions
E Van Oost, D Reed
Human-Robot Personal Relationships: Third International Conference, HRPR …, 2011
Making the computer masculine: The historical roots of gendered representations
E Van Oost
Women, work and computerization: Charting a course to the future, 9-16, 2000
How local energy initiatives develop technological innovations: Growing an actor network
EC Van der Waal, HJ Van der Windt, ECJ Van Oost
Sustainability 10 (12), 4577, 2018
Futures of science with and for society: towards transformative policy orientations
E van Oost, S Kuhlmann, G Ordóñez-Matamoros, P Stegmaier
Foresight 18 (3), 276-296, 2016
Over" vrouwelijke" en" mannelijke" dingen
ECJ van Oost
Vrouwenstudies in de jaren negentig. Een kennismaking vanuit verschillende …, 1995
De wederzijdse beïnvloeding van technologie en maatschappij: een Technology Assessment-benadering
WA Smit, ECJ van Oost
Couthino, 1999
Community energy storage: Governance and business models
BP Koirala, RA Hakvoort, EC van Oost, HJ van der Windt
Consumer, prosumer, prosumager: How service innovations will disrupt the …, 2019
The social construction of technological artefacts: Problems and perspectives of the study of science and technology in Europe
WE Bijker, J Bonig, E van Oost
Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsforschung: interdisziplinäres Organ für …, 1984
Nieuwe functies, nieuwe verschillen: Genderprocessen in de constructie van de nieuwe automatiseringsfuncties 1955-1970
ECJ van Oost
Innovation in civil society: The socio-material dynamics of a community innovation
S Verhaegh, E Van Oost, N Oudshoorn
The new production of users, 193-218, 2016
Innovation dynamics of socio-technical alignment in community energy storage: The cases of drten and ecovat
BP Koirala, E van Oost, H van der Windt
Energies 13 (11), 2955, 2020
Designing inclusion-the development of ict products to include women in the information society
EWM Rommes, IA van Slooten, I van Slooten, ECJ van Oost, ...
University of Twente, 2004
Grassroots digital fabrication and makerspaces: Reconfiguring, relocating and recalibrating innovation? University of Sussex
A Smith, S Hielscher, S Dickel, J Soderberg, E van Oost
Available at SSRN 2731835, 2013
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