Cell phone video recording feature as a language learning tool: A case study NA Gromik Computers & education 58 (1), 223-230, 2012 | 328 | 2012 |
Research trends in student response systems: A literature review A Aljaloud, N Gromik, W Billingsley, P Kwan International Journal of Learning Technology 10 (4), 313-325, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
Examining pre-service teachers’ acceptance of technology-rich learning environments: A UAE case study S Parkman, D Litz, N Gromik Education and Information Technologies 23, 1253-1275, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |
Saudi undergraduate students’ perceptions of the use of smartphone clicker apps on learning performance A Aljaloud, N Gromik, K Paul, W Billingsley Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 35 (1), 85-99, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Bringing people together while learning apart: Creating online learning environments to support the needs of rural and remote students: N Parkes, M., Gregory, S., Fletcher, P., Adlington, R. & Gromik Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 25 (1), 66-78, 2015 | 46* | 2015 |
EFL learner use of podcasting resources: A pilot study N Gromik The JALT Call Journal 4 (2), 47-60, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
The Effect of Smartphone Video Camera as a Tool to Create Gigital Stories for English Learning Purposes. NA Gromik Journal of Education and Learning 4 (4), 64-79, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Producing cell phone video diaries N Gromik Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning, 259-273, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Investigation of the cell phone video recording feature by Japanese undergraduate EFL learners NA Gromik James Cook University, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
ESL and Digital Video Integration: Case Studies. J Li, N Gromik, N Edwards TESOL International Association, 2013 | 15 | 2013 |
Meaningful tasks with video in the ESOL classroom N Gromik Learning Languages Through Technology, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
Video tutorials: Camtasia in the ESL classroom N Gromik JALT CALL Journal 3 (1), 132-140, 2007 | 14 | 2007 |
The effect of theme preference on academic word list use: A case for smartphone video recording feature NA Gromik Education and Information Technologies, 1-15, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Film editing in the EFL classroom N Gromik The JALT CALL Journal 2 (1), 27-36, 2006 | 11 | 2006 |
Smartphone-based learning in the Japanese ESL classroom: A case study report N Gromik Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Do you know who we are? Undergraduate students' access to technology: A survey report N Gromik The JALT CALL Journal 5 (3), 57-66, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Windows movie maker in the English as a foreign language class N Gromik Innovate: Journal of Online Education 1 (1), 5, 2004 | 10 | 2004 |
Self-access English learning facility: A report of student use N Gromik JALTCALL Journal 11 (1), 93-102, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
The integration of portable technology to enhance lifelong learning skills NN Manochehri, N Gromik, SL Aw Business Education Innovation Journal VOLUME 4 NUMBER 2 December 2012, 128, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Japan-based CALL Research: A Literature Review N Gromik JALT CUE SIG Journal 3 (1), 106 - 132, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |