Xu Liu
Xu Liu
在 kfupm.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
Effective Biot theory and its generalization to poroviscoelastic models
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, B Zhou, M Greenhalgh
Geophysical Journal International 212 (2), 1255-1273, 2018
Scattering of plane transverse waves by spherical inclusions in a poroelastic medium
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, B Zhou
Geophysical Journal International 176 (3), 938-950, 2009
Deep learning audio magnetotellurics inversion using residual-based deep convolution neural network
Z Liu, H Chen, Z Ren, J Tang, Z Xu, Y Chen, X Liu
Journal of Applied Geophysics 188, 104309, 2021
Transient solution for poro-viscoacoustic wave propagation in double porosity media and its limitations
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, B Zhou
Geophysical Journal International 178 (1), 375-393, 2009
Generalized effective Biot theory and seismic wave propagation in anisotropic, poroviscoelastic media
X Huang, S Greenhalgh, L Han, X Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (3), e2021JB023590, 2022
2.5-D poroelastic wave modelling in double porosity media
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, Y Wang
Geophysical Journal International 186 (3), 1285-1294, 2011
Generalized poroviscoelastic model based on effective Biot theory and its application to borehole guided wave analysis
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, B Zhou, G Heinson
Geophysical Journal International 207 (3), 1472-1483, 2016
Approximating the wave moduli of double porosity media at low frequencies by a single Zener or Kelvin-Voigt element
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, B Zhou
Geophysical Journal International 181 (1), 391-398, 2010
A robust Q estimation scheme for adaptively handling asymmetric wavelet spectrum variations in strongly attenuating media
H Li, S Greenhalgh, S Chen, X Liu, B Liu
Geophysics 85 (4), V345-V354, 2020
Fitting viscoelastic mechanical models to seismic attenuation and velocity dispersion observations and applications to full waveform modelling
X Liu, S Greenhalgh
Geophysical Journal International 219 (3), 1741-1756, 2019
Reflection and transmission coefficients for an incident plane shear wave at an interface separating two dissimilar poroelastic solids
X Liu, S Greenhalgh
Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 2111-2127, 2014
Wave properties of gas-hydrate bearing sediments based on poroelasticity
W Wang, J Ba, JM Carcione, X Liu, L Zhang
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 640424, 2021
Generalized stiffness reduction method to remove the artificial edge-effects for seismic wave modelling in elastic anisotropic media
B Zhou, M Won, S Greenhalgh, X Liu
Geophysical Journal International 220 (2), 1394-1408, 2020
Wave propagation at the welded interface of an elastic solid and unsaturated poro-thermoelastic solid
M Kumar, X Liu, M Kumari, P Yadav
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 32 (11 …, 2022
Frequency-domain seismic wave modelling in heterogeneous porous media using the mixed-grid finite-difference method
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, B Zhou, M Greenhalgh
Geophysical Journal International 216 (1), 34-54, 2019
Seismic Q of inhomogeneous plane waves in porous media
X Liu, S Greenhalgh, JM Carcione
Geophysics 85 (3), T209-T224, 2020
Inhomogeneous wave reflection from the surface of a partially saturated thermoelastic porous media
M Kumar, X Liu, KK Kalkal, V Dalal, M Kumari
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 32 (6 …, 2022
Bandwidth-insensitive extended centroid frequency-shift method for near-surface Q estimation
H Li, X Liu, B Liu, S Greenhalgh, AA Al-Shuhail, Y Chen
Geophysics 87 (2), V75-V86, 2022
Reflection and transmission of plane waves at an interface separating two poro-viscoelastic materials with continuity and elastic consistence
X Liu, H Li, AA Al-Shuhail, B Liu, Z Ren
Geophysical Journal International 225 (2), 829-845, 2021
A generalized seismic attenuation compensation operator optimized by 2-D mathematical morphology filtering
H Li, S Greenhalgh, B Liu, X Liu, Q Hao, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-15, 2022
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