Xavier St-Denis
Sociodemographic Determinants of Occupational Risks of Exposure to COVID‐19 in Canada
X St-Denis
Canadian Review of Sociology / Revue canadienne de sociologie 57 (3), 399-452, 2020
Exploration of the Role of Education in Intergenerational Income Mobility in Canada: Evidence from the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults
G Simard-Duplain, X St-Denis
Canadian Public Policy 46 (3), 369-396, 2020
Are all the stable jobs gone? The transformation of the worker–firm relationship and trends in job tenure duration and separations in Canada, 1976–2015
X St-Denis, M Hollister
Work, Employment and Society 38 (3), 657-683, 2024
Two paths towards job instability: Comparing changes in the distribution of job tenure duration in the United Kingdom and Germany, 1984–2014
X St‐Denis, M Hollister
British journal of industrial relations 61 (3), 723-751, 2023
Portrait statistique de l’emploi des jeunes au Québec dans la décennie 2010-2019.
ME Longo, S Bourdon, N Vachon, É St-Jean, M Pugliese, É Ledoux, ...
Non-Linear PSE Pathways and Credential Accumulation: Statistical Portrait and Evaluation of Labour Market Outcomes
X St-Denis, Y Boujija, S Sartor
ONCAT, 2021
The Changing Importance of Lifetime Jobs in the United Kingdom
X St‐Denis
International Labour Review 160 (2), 243-269, 2021
Low-Income Statistics for the Population Living on Reserve and in the North Using the 2016 Census
A Harding, X St-Denis
Income Research Paper Series. Ottawa: Statistics Canada (Catalogue no. 75F0002M), 2021
Du premier confinement au rebond partiel: l'impact de la première vague de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur l'emploi des jeunes de 15 à 34 ans au Québec
ME Longo, S Bourdon, C Fleury, X St-Denis, N Gallant, A Lechaume, ...
INRS-Urbanisation Culture Société, 2021
Sample selection in tax data sets of intergenerational links: Evidence from the longitudinal and international study of adults
G Simard-Duplain, X St-Denis
Statistics Canada= Statistiques Canada, 2020
The relative role of parental income and parental education in child educational achievement and socioeconomic status attainment: A decomposition approach.
X St-Denis, L Renée
FutureSkills Research Lab, 2022
Demography as a Field: Where We Came From and Where We Are Headed
LM Pesando, A Dorélien, X St-Denis, A Santos
Canadian Studies in Population 50 (3), 4, 2023
Intergenerational transmission of socio-economic status and intergenerational mobility over the early adult life course of Canadian women and men
X St-Denis, CW Yang
FutureSkills Research Lab., 2022
Étude comparée des dispositions sur le travail dans les accords de libre-échange négociés par les États-Unis et par l’Union européenne.
X St-Denis
Travail et commerce, 118, 2013
Earnings Trajectories of Individuals in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Evidence from Administrative Data
N Denier, CW Yang, X St-Denis, S Waite
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 100950, 2024
Non-Linear Postsecondary Education Pathways and Credential Accumulation Across Canadian Provinces
X St-Denis, CN Djomgang
Studying Individuals in Same-Sex Couples using Longitudinal Administrative Data from Canadian Tax Records: Opportunities and Challenges
CW Yang, N Denier, X St-Denis, S Waite
SocArXiv, 2024
Program Non-Completion and Postsecondary Credential Accumulation Pathways across Canadian Provinces
X St-Denis, Y Boujija
The brave new world of unstable jobs hiding in plain sight: A reply to Murphy and Turner
X St-Denis
Journal of Industrial Relations 65 (5), 717-733, 2023
Take the train and climb the social ladder. The role of geographical mobility in the fight against inequality in Quebec
Y Boujija, M Connolly, X St-Denis
CIRANO Papers, 2023
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