Being no one: The self-model theory of subjectivity T Metzinger mit Press, 2004 | 2090 | 2004 |
Video ergo sum: manipulating bodily self-consciousness B Lenggenhager, T Tadi, T Metzinger, O Blanke Science 317 (5841), 1096-1099, 2007 | 1607 | 2007 |
The ego tunnel: The science of the mind and the myth of the self T Metzinger ReadHowYouWant. com, 2010 | 1453 | 2010 |
Full-body illusions and minimal phenomenal selfhood O Blanke, T Metzinger Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (1), 7-13, 2009 | 1253 | 2009 |
Being no one T Metzinger Cambridge, ma: mit Press, 2003 | 585 | 2003 |
Real virtuality: A code of ethical conduct. Recommendations for good scientific practice and the consumers of VR-technology M Madary, TK Metzinger Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3, 3, 2016 | 512 | 2016 |
Subjekt und Selbstmodell. Die Perspektivität phänomenalen Bewußtseins vor dem Hintergrund einer naturalistischen Theorie mentaler Repräsentation. 2. T Metzinger mentis, 1999 | 391 | 1999 |
Neural correlates of consciousness: Empirical and conceptual questions T Metzinger MIT press, 2000 | 386 | 2000 |
Conscious experience T Metzinger Imprint Academic, 1995 | 302 | 1995 |
Vanilla PP for philosophers: A primer on predictive processing W Wiese, T Metzinger | 260 | 2017 |
The emergence of a shared action ontology: Building blocks for a theory T Metzinger, V Gallese Consciousness and cognition 12 (4), 549-571, 2003 | 244 | 2003 |
Motor ontology: the representational reality of goals, actions and selves V Gallese, T Metzinger Philosophical psychology 16 (3), 365-388, 2003 | 214 | 2003 |
Bewusstsein T Metzinger Enzyklopädie der Philosophie, 1999 | 213 | 1999 |
Phenomenal transparency and cognitive self-reference T Metzinger Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2, 353-393, 2003 | 196 | 2003 |
Affective value in the predictive mind S Van de Cruys | 188 | 2017 |
Der Ego-Tunnel: Eine neue Philosophie des Selbst: Von der Hirnforschung zur Bewusstseinsethik T Metzinger Piper Verlag, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |
Why are dreams interesting for philosophers? The example of minimal phenomenal selfhood, plus an agenda for future research T Metzinger Frontiers in Psychology 4, 746, 2013 | 167 | 2013 |
The philosophy of dreaming and self-consciousness: What happens to the experiential subject during the dream state? JM Windt, T Metzinger Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007 | 160 | 2007 |
The myth of cognitive agency: subpersonal thinking as a cyclically recurring loss of mental autonomy TK Metzinger Frontiers in psychology 4, 68140, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
The no‐self alternative T Metzinger | 152 | 2011 |