ave adriana pinem
ave adriana pinem
faculty of computer science, universitas indonesia
在 cs.ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Acceptance model of a hospital information system
PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, AA Pinem, IC Hapsari, PI Sandhyaduhita, ...
International journal of medical informatics 99, 11-28, 2017
Critical success factors for mobile health implementation in Indonesia
PW Handayani, DA Meigasari, AA Pinem, AN Hidayanto, D Ayuningtyas
Heliyon 4 (11), 2018
Switching intention from traditional to online groceries using the moderating effect of gender in Indonesia
PW Handayani, RA Nurahmawati, AA Pinem, F Azzahro
Journal of Food Products Marketing 26 (6), 425-439, 2020
Hospital information system user acceptance factors: User group perspectives
PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, AA Pinem, PI Sandhyaduhita, I Budi
Informatics for Health and Social Care 43 (1), 84-107, 2018
The influence of argument quality, source credibility, and health consciousness on satisfaction, use intention, and loyalty on mobile health application use
PW Handayani, NB Gelshirani, F Azzahro, AA Pinem, AN Hidayanto
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 20, 100429, 2020
Designing a health referral mobile application for high-mobility end users in Indonesia
AA Pinem, A Yeskafauzan, PW Handayani, F Azzahro, AN Hidayanto, ...
Heliyon 6 (1), 2020
Health referral system user acceptance model in Indonesia
PW Handayani, IR Saladdin, AA Pinem, F Azzahro, AN Hidayanto, ...
Heliyon 4 (12), 2018
Pengantar Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS)
PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, AA Pinem, IC Hapsari, F Azzahro, ...
Trust and its impact towards continuance of use in government-to-business online service
AA Pinem, IM Immanuella, AN Hidayanto, K Phusavat
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 12 (3/4), 265-285, 2018
Health referral enterprise architecture design in Indonesia
PW Handayani, AA Pinem, Q Munajat, F Azzahro, AN Hidayanto, ...
Healthcare informatics research 25 (1), 3-11, 2019
Konsep CB-SEM dan SEM-PLS Disertai Dengan Contoh Kasus
PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, AA Pinem, F Azzahro, Q Munajat
PT. RajaGrafindo Persada-Rajawali Pers, 2023
Mobile health readiness factors: From the perspectives of mobile health users in Indonesia
PW Handayani, R Indriani, AA Pinem
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 24, 100590, 2021
Exploring the factors for cloud computing adoption in Indonesia
H Adiyasa, AN Hidayanto, AA Pinem, ES Negara, PBM Putri
2018 International Conference on Computing, Engineering, and Design (ICCED …, 2018
Determinant factors of new investor intention for using online trading system
FP Afif, PW Handayani, AA Pinem
2018 Third International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-6, 2018
Push, Pull, and Mooring evaluation of user switching intention from social commerce to e-commerce
F Marseto, PW Handayani, AA Pinem
2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2019
Success factor for IT project implementation in banking industry: a case study
A Priambodo, PW Handayani, AA Pinem
2019 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences …, 2019
Gain-loss framing: comparing the push notification message to increase purchase intention in e-marketplace mobile application
P Tiffany, AA Pinem, AN Hidayanto, S Kurnia
IEEE Access 8, 182550-182563, 2020
The information system/information technology (IS/IT) practices in the Indonesia health referral system
PW Handayani, AA Pinem, F Azzahro, AN Hidayanto, D Ayuningtyas
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 17, 100263, 2019
Antecedents of intention-to-use of e-audit system: a case of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia
DPB Dharma, PI Sandhyaduhita, AA Pinem, AN Hidayanto
International Journal of Business Information Systems 26 (2), 185-204, 2017
Success factors of human resource information system implementation: A case of ministry of state-owned enterprise
W Puspitarini, PW Handayani, AA Pinem, F Azzahro
2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer …, 2018
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