Travis Gannon
Travis Gannon
Associate Professor of Crop Science, NC State University
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Integration of remote‐weed mapping and an autonomous spraying unmanned aerial vehicle for site‐specific weed management
JE Hunter III, TW Gannon, RJ Richardson, FH Yelverton, RG Leon
Pest Management Science 76 (4), 1386-1392, 2020
Coverage and drift potential associated with nozzle and speed selection for herbicide applications using an unmanned aerial sprayer
JE Hunter, TW Gannon, RJ Richardson, FH Yelverton, RG Leon
Weed Technology 34 (2), 235-240, 2020
Response of four improved seeded bermudagrass cultivars to postemergence herbicides during seeded establishment
JS McELROY, GK Breeden, FH Yelverton, TW Gannon, SD Askew, ...
Weed technology 19 (4), 979-985, 2005
Control of silvery-thread moss (Bryum argenteum Hedw.) in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) putting greens
KD Burnell, FH Yelverton, JC Neal, TW Gannon, JS McELROY
Weed Technology 18 (3), 560-565, 2004
Arsenic retention in foliage and soil after monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA) application to turfgrass
AR Matteson, TW Gannon, MD Jeffries, S Haines, DF Lewis, ML Polizzotto
Journal of environmental quality 43 (1), 379-388, 2014
Evaluating multiple rating methods utilized in turfgrass weed science
JA Hoyle, FH Yelverton, TW Gannon
Weed technology 27 (2), 362-368, 2013
Effect of simulated indaziflam drift rates on various plant species
MD Jeffries, DJ Mahoney, TW Gannon
Weed Technology 28 (4), 608-616, 2014
Soil properties influence saflufenacil phytotoxicity
TW Gannon, AC Hixson, KE Keller, JB Weber, SZ Knezevic, FH Yelverton
Weed Science 62 (4), 657-663, 2014
Efficacy of application placement equipment for tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growth and seedhead suppression
AC Hixson, TW Gannon, FH Yelverton
Weed Technology 21 (3), 801-806, 2007
Plant counts, digital image analysis, and visual ratings for estimating weed control in turf: are they correlated
FH Yelverton, JA Hoyle, TW Gannon, LS Warren
Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc 62, 399, 2009
Sorption of simazine and S-metolachlor to soils from a chronosequence of turfgrass systems
TW Gannon, AC Hixson, JB Weber, W Shi, FH Yelverton, TW Rufty
Weed Science 61 (3), 508-514, 2013
Irrigation and soil surfactants affect abamectin distribution in soil
TW Gannon, MD Jeffries, KA Ahmed
Crop Science 57 (2), 573-580, 2017
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in creeping bentgrass putting greens with amicarbazone and paclobutrazol
MD Jeffries, FH Yelverton, TW Gannon
Weed Technology 27 (3), 520-526, 2013
Allelopathic potential of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides)
TW Gannon, FH Yelverton, JS McElroy
Weed Science 54 (3), 521-525, 2006
Phytoremediation of azoxystrobin and imidacloprid by wetland plant species Juncus effusus, Pontederia cordata and Sagittaria latifolia
AM McKnight, TW Gannon, F Yelverton
International Journal of Phytoremediation 24 (2), 196-204, 2022
Management considerations to minimize environmental impacts of arsenic following monosodium methylarsenate (MSMA) applications to turfgrass
DJ Mahoney, TW Gannon, MD Jeffries, AR Matteson, ML Polizzotto
Journal of Environmental Management 150, 444-450, 2015
Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of aminocyclopyrachlor in tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum)
DF Lewis, RL Roten, WJ Everman, TW Gannon, RJ Richardson, ...
Weed science 61 (3), 348-352, 2013
Foliar vs. soil exposure of green kyllinga (Kyllinga brevifolia) and false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) to postemergence treatments of CGA-362622, halosulfuron …
JS McELROY, FH Yelverton, TW Gannon, JW Wilcut
Weed technology 18 (1), 145-151, 2004
Absorption and translocation of florpyrauxifen-benzyl in ten aquatic plant species
EJ Haug, KA Ahmed, TW Gannon, RJ Richardson
Weed Science 69 (6), 624-630, 2021
Factors Influencing Dislodgeable 2, 4-D Plant Residues from Hybrid Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. x C. transvaalensis) Athletic Fields
MD Jeffries, TW Gannon, JT Brosnan, KA Ahmed, GK Breeden
PLoS One 11 (2), e0148992, 2016
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