luc honore petnji yaya
luc honore petnji yaya
Universitat Intercional de Catalunya
The invisible addiction: Cell-phone activities and addiction among male and female college students
J Roberts, L Yaya, C Manolis
Journal of behavioral addictions 3 (4), 254-265, 2014
Improving innovation and customer satisfaction through systems integration
A Simon, L Honore Petnji Yaya
Industrial Management & Data Systems 112 (7), 1026-1043, 2012
Customer's loyalty and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking
L Honore Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesus
Industrial Management & Data Systems 111 (8), 1194-1213, 2011
Impact of e-Quality and service recovery on loyalty: A study of e-banking in Spain
F Marimon, LH Petnji Yaya, M Casadesus Fa
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 23 (7-8), 769-787, 2012
An empirical analysis of the integration of internal and external management system audits
A Simon, LHP Yaya, S Karapetrovic, M Casadesús
Journal of cleaner production 66, 499-506, 2014
Assessing e-service quality: the current state of ES-QUAL
LH Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, MC Fa
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 23 (11-12), 1363-1378, 2012
Service quality assessment of public transport and the implication role of demographic characteristics
LHP Yaya, MF Fortià, CS Canals, F Marimon
Public Transport 7, 409-428, 2015
Can integration difficulties affect innovation and satisfaction?
A Simon, L Honore Petnji Yaya, S Karapetrovic, M Casadesus
Industrial Management & Data Systems 114 (2), 183-202, 2014
Can ISO 9001 improve service recovery?
L Honore Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesus
Industrial Management & Data Systems 113 (8), 1206-1221, 2013
The revitalising effect of ISO 9001 on dissatisfied customers
LHP Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesus
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 25 (7-8), 856-864, 2014
The contest determinant of delight and disappointment: a case study of online banking
LH Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesus
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 24 (11-12), 1376-1389, 2013
The expert experience in adopting the ES-QUAL scale
LH Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesús
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 28 (11-12), 1307-1321, 2017
Customer satisfaction and the role of demographic characteristics in online banking
LHP Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesus
Web-based services: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, 1786-1802, 2016
Yielding to temptation in buying: Is it simply a matter of self-control?
JA Roberts, LH Petnji Yaya, C Gwin
Atlantic Marketing Journal 4 (2), 5, 2015
Analysis of training programs related to Quality Management System: the Spanish case
LH Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, J Llach, M Bernardo, M Casadesus
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 34 (2), 216-230, 2017
The mechanisms through which certain variables influence customer loyalty: The mediating roles of perceived value and satisfaction
LH Petnji Yaya, F Marimon, M Casadesus
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 25 (6 …, 2015
Impact of service recovery on customer loyalty: a study of e-banking in Spain
F Marimon, LH Petnji Yaya, M Casadesus
Review of International Comparative Management, 2011
Measuring e-service quality: Reviewing ES-QUAL
LHP Yaya, F Marimon, MC Fa
Economic Quality Control 27 (1), 19-41, 2012
Experience in adapting ES-QUAL to different sectors or settings
LHP Yaya, F Marimón, M Casadesús, J Llach
Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management, 233-251, 2015
Customers' loyalty and its antecedents and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking
LH Petnji Yaya
Universitat de Girona, 2012
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