Seyed Sobhan Aleyasin
Seyed Sobhan Aleyasin
在 myumanitoba.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Efficiency enhancement of solar chimney power plant by use of waste heat from nuclear power plant
N Fathi, P McDaniel, SS Aleyasin, M Robinson, P Vorobieff, S Rodriguez, ...
Journal of cleaner production 180, 407-416, 2018
PIV measurements in the near and intermediate field regions of jets issuing from eight different nozzle geometries
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 99, 329-351, 2017
Experimental investigation of nozzle spacing effects on characteristics of round twin free jets
A Laban, SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Journal of Fluids Engineering 141 (7), 071201, 2019
Statistical properties of round, square, and elliptic jets at low and moderate Reynolds numbers
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Journal of Fluids Engineering 139 (10), 101206, 2017
Statistical properties and structural analysis of three-dimensional twin round jets due to variation in Reynolds number
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 76, 215-230, 2019
Numerical-analytical assessment on solar chimney power plant
N Fathi, A Seyed Sobhan, P Vorobieff
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016
On the development of incompressible round and equilateral triangular jets due to Reynolds number variation
SS Aleyasin, N Fathi, MF Tachie, P Vorobieff, M Koupriyanov
Journal of fluids engineering 140 (11), 111202, 2018
Characteristics of flow past elongated bluff bodies with underbody gaps due to varying inflow turbulence
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, R Balachandar
Physics of Fluids 33 (12), 2021
Comparison of turbulent jets issuing from various sharp contoured nozzles
SS Aleyasin, N Fathi, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58066, V01CT23A016, 2017
Experimental-numerical analysis of turbulent incompressible isothermal jets
SS Aleyasin, N Fathi, MF Tachie, P Vorobieff, M Koupriyanov
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58066, V01CT23A015, 2017
Experimental study of the Type VI stilling basin performance
S Sobhan Aleyasin, N Fathi, P Vorobieff
Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (3), 034503, 2015
V&V exercise for a solar tower power plant
N Fathi, P Vorobief, SS Aleyasin
ASME Verification and Validation Symposium, 2014
Particle image velocimetry measurements of turbulent jets issuing from twin elliptic nozzles with various orientations
EM Morris, N Biswas, SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
Journal of Fluids Engineering 143 (2), 021501, 2021
Comparative evaluation of single/twin round and elliptic jets using particle image velocimetry
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 51555, V001T06A018, 2018
Inflatable, free-standing solar updraft tower with optimal geometry and active control
PV Vorobieff, N Fathi, AA Mammoli, V Putkaradze, M Chi, SS Aleyasin, ...
US Patent 10,006,443, 2018
Turbulent separations around a slanted-back Ahmed body with square and rounded leading edge
A Sagharichi, SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
Physics of Fluids 35 (4), 2023
Turbulent properties of triple elliptic free jets with various nozzle orientation
EM Morris, SS Aleyasin, N Biswas, MF Tachie
Journal of Fluids Engineering 142 (3), 031106, 2020
Experimental Investigation of Nozzle Orientation Effects on Mixing Characteristics of Elliptic Triple Free Jets
EM Morris, SS Aleyasin, N Biswas, MF Tachie
ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 2019
Low Reynolds number effects on jets issuing from round and elliptic orifices
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov, T Epp
Eighth international symposium on turbulence heat and mass transfer, 8, 2015
Nozzle spacing effects on statistical properties of twin elliptic jets
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
11th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Kumamoto …, 2017
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