Staying alive: Women, ecology, and development V Shiva North Atlantic Books, 2016 | 4969 | 2016 |
Ecoféminisme M Mies, V Shiva L'Harmattan, 1999 | 3908* | 1999 |
Biopiracy: The plunder of nature and knowledge V Shiva North Atlantic Books, 2016 | 2709 | 2016 |
The violence of the green revolution: third world agriculture, ecology and politics V Shiva Zed Books, 1991 | 2072 | 1991 |
Monocultures of the mind: Perspectives on biodiversity and biotechnology V Shiva Palgrave Macmillan, 1993 | 2011 | 1993 |
Earth democracy: Justice, sustainability, and peace V Shiva North Atlantic Books, 2015 | 1875 | 2015 |
Water wars: Privatization, pollution, and profit V Shiva North Atlantic Books, 2016 | 1824 | 2016 |
Stolen harvest: The hijacking of the global food supply V Shiva Zed Books, 2001 | 1461 | 2001 |
Staying alive: Women, ecology, and survival in India V Shiva Kali for Women, 1988 | 1365 | 1988 |
Another knowledge is possible: Beyond northern epistemologies A Escobar, CFM de Souza Filho, JA Nunes, JPB Coelho, LG dos Santos, ... Verso Books, 2020 | 1081 | 2020 |
Monoculturas da mente: perspectivas da biodiversidade e da biotecnologia V Shiva Gaia, 2003 | 862 | 2003 |
The violence of the green revolution V Shiva, A Littlefield, H Gates Science and Society 58 (1), 1994 | 802 | 1994 |
Ecofeminism V Shiva, M Mies Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014 | 713* | 2014 |
Wombs in labor: Transnational commercial surrogacy in India A Pande Columbia University Press, 2014 | 561 | 2014 |
Protect or plunder?: Understanding intellectual property rights V Shiva Zed Books, 2001 | 559 | 2001 |
Ecology and the politics of survival: Conflicts over natural resources in India V Shiva (No Title), 1991 | 547 | 1991 |
Biopirataria: a pilhagem da natureza e do conhecimento V Shiva Vozes, 2001 | 495 | 2001 |
Abrazar la vida: mujer, ecología y desarrollo V Shiva Horas y horas, 1996 | 493 | 1996 |
The greening of global reach V Shiva ECOLOGIST-LONDON AND WADEBRIDGE THEN SLINFOLD-- 22, 258-258, 1992 | 416 | 1992 |
Soil not oil: environmental justice in a time of climate crisis. V Shiva | 354 | 2008 |