Joohong min
Joohong min
Associate Professor of Human Ecology & Welfare, Jeju National University
在 jejunu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Intergenerational transmission of values over the family life course
J Min, M Silverstein, JP Lendon
Advances in Life Course Research 17 (3), 112-120, 2012
Social engagement and depressive symptoms: do baseline depression status and type of social activities make a difference?
J Min, J Ailshire, EM Crimmins
Age and Ageing 45 (6), 838-843, 2016
Life course trajectories of family care
N Keating, J Eales, L Funk, J Fast, J Min
International Journal of Care and Caring 3 (2), 147-163, 2019
The impact of spouse’s illness on depressive symptoms: the roles of spousal caregiving and marital satisfaction
J Min, JB Yorgason, J Fast, A Chudyk
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75 (7), 1548-1557, 2020
Worry about not having a caregiver and depressive symptoms among widowed older adults in China: the role of family support
L Xu, Y Li, J Min, I Chi
Aging & Mental Health 21 (8), 879-888, 2017
Support exchanges between adult children and their parents across life transitions
J Min, MD Johnson, JR Anderson, J Yurkiw
Journal of Marriage and Family 84 (2), 367-392, 2022
Trajectories of cognitive decline by widowhood status among Korean older adults
J Lyu, J Min, G Kim
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 34 (11), 1582-1589, 2019
한국 노인의 사회참여가 주관적 건강 및 건강 변화에 미치는 영향에 대한 종단연구: 다양한 사회참여의 영향을 중심으로
보건사회연구 33 (4), 105-123, 2013
Life transitions and leisure activity engagement in later life: Findings from the Consumption and Activities Mail Survey (CAMS)
Y Lee, J Min, I Chi
Ageing & Society 38 (8), 1603-1623, 2018
Longitudinal associations between adult children’s relations with parents and intimate partners.
MD Johnson, AM Galovan, RM Horne, J Min, S Walper
Journal of Family Psychology 31 (7), 821, 2017
Psychological vulnerability of widowhood: financial strain, social engagement and worry about having no care-giver as mediators and moderators
J Min, Y Li, L Xu, I Chi
Ageing & Society 38 (11), 2356-2375, 2018
Intergenerational similarity of religiosity over the family life course
J Min, M Silverstein, TL Gruenewald
Research on Aging 40 (6), 580-596, 2018
Social participation and life satisfaction among widowed older adults in China
Y Li, L Xu, J Min, I Chi, B Xie
OMICS, 2016
배우자 사별과 우울감과의 관계에 있어 사회참여의 매개효과: 성차를 중심으로: 성차를 중심으로
민주홍, 최희정
가정과삶의질연구 33 (4), 67-82, 2015
거주지 이동을 경험한 노인의 사회관계망 변화와 적응
민주홍, 한경혜
한국노년학 27 (4), 861-879, 2007
Harmonization of cross-national studies of aging to the health and retirement study–user guide: family transfer–informal care
U Jain, J Min, J Lee
CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper, 2016
Gender differences in the mediating effects of social participation on the association between widowhood and depressive symptoms: widowhood, social participation, and …
J Min, H Choi
Journal of Families and Better Life 33 (4), 67-82, 2015
Structural and Associational Solidarity Between Adult Children and Older Parents: Impact on Older Parents' Cognitive Functioning
H Choi, J Min
Journal of Families and Better Life 33 (4), 105-118, 2015
Harmonization of cross-national studies of aging to the Health and Retirement Study
S Wang, J Min, J Lee
RAND Working Paper Series WR-861/8, 2014
독거여부가 노인의 자살생각에 미치는 영향: 사회참여의 매개효과를 중심으로
김은정, 민주홍
가정과삶의질연구 38 (4), 97-109, 2020
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