Patrícia Gomes
Patrícia Gomes
Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA)
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The international harmonization process of public accounting in Portugal: the perspective of different stakeholders
P Gomes, MJ Fernandes, J Carvalho
International Journal of Public Administration 38 (4), 268-281, 2015
The main determinants in the use of the Cost Accounting System in Portuguese local governments
J Carvalho, P Gomes, MJ Fernandes
Financial Accountability and Management 28 (4), 60-88, 2012
O Balanced Scorecard aplicado à administração pública
AP Gomes, J Carvalho, N Ribeiro, S Nogueira
Lisboa: Publisher Team, 2007
O papel do Balanced Scorecard na Avaliação de Desempenho do Sistema Policial Português
P Gomes
Revista Contabilidade & Empresas 2 (4), 9-13, 2007
Implementing the International Public Sector Accounting Standards for consolidated financial statements: facilitators, benefits and challenges
P Gomes, I Brusca, MJ Fernandes
Public Money & Management 39 (8), 544-552, 2019
Impact of PMS on organizational performance and moderating effects of context
P Gomes, S Mendes, J Carvalho
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 4 (66), 517-534, 2017
Determinantes da adopção e desenvolvimento do Sistema de Contabilidade de Custos nos municípios Portugueses
P Gomes, J Carvalho, MJ Fernandes
Portuguese Journal of Accounting and Management, 11-42, 2009
Activos Intangíveis: o grau de adaptação das Empresas Portuguesas cotadas na Euronext relativamente à IAS 38
P Gomes, S Serra, E Ferreira
Portuguese Journal of Accounting and Management, 15-53, 2006
Financial and non-financial responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: insights from Portugal and lessons for future
P Gomes
Public Money & Management 41 (8), 660-662, 2021
Performance Measurement and Management in Portuguese Law Enforcement
P Gomes, S Mendes
Public Money and Management 33 (1), 31-38, 2012
Medida e Divulgação do Capital Intelectual: as Empresas Portuguesas Cotadas na Euronext
P Gomes, S Serra, E Ferreira
Revista del Instituto International de Costos, 89-116, 2007
O processo de harmonização internacional da contabilidade pública em Portugal: A perspetiva de diferentes stakeholders
PS Gomes, MJ Fernandes, JB Carvalho
Proceedings from Congresso dos TOC 20 anos: Uma ambição, um compromisso, um …, 2015
Use of Performance Measurement in the Public Sector: the case of the police service
P Gomes, S Mendes, J Carvalho
Implementing Reforms in Public Sector Accounting, 407-425, 2008
An exploratory analysis of internal communication in times of the COVID‐19 pandemic
P Gomes, E Santos, E Martins
Global Business and Organizational Excellence 42 (5), 37-49, 2023
A multidimensionalidade do conceito de qualidade de vida
CS Gomes, J Marques, ML Pinto, EA Castro, PS Gomes, G Gomes, ...
Sociedade e Território 42, 135-144, 2008
The IPSAS implementation and the use and usefulness of accounting information: a comparative analysis in the Iberian Peninsula
P Gomes, I Brusca, MJ Fernandes, E Vilhena
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 35 (1), 12-40, 2023
O Balanced Scorecard como instrumento de medida de desempenho das forças policiais - estudo de casos
P Gomes, J Carvalho, S Mendes
Global Economics and Management Review 15 (2), 91-114, 2010
Performance measurement of the Portuguese police force using the balanced scorecard
PS Gomes, SM Mendes, JBC Carvalho
Modeling the influence of workaholism on career success: a PLS–SEM approach
P Gomes, A Diogo, E Santos, V Ratten
Journal of Management & Organization 29 (5), 893-911, 2023
Balanced Scorecard no setor público: perspetiva do consultor de gestão
V Borges, P Gomes, MJ Fernandes
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