Gabriel C. Corneanu
Gabriel C. Corneanu
Professor of Genetics, University of Craiova
在 ucv.ro 的电子邮件经过验证
In vitro organogenesis at Aloe arborescens (Liliaceae).
M Corneanu, G Corneanu, C Bădică, R Minea, D Bică, L Vekas
Cactuşii: monografie
SV Copăcescu, GC Corneanu, M Corneanu, B Bobîrnac
Ceres, 2001
Distributional and anatomical studies on Fritillaria (Liliaceae) in Romania
GC Corneanu, GG Popescu
Willdenowia, 307-315, 1981
Plant regeneration with somaclonal variability from Mammillaria sp. callus
MM Corneanu, GC Corneanu, SN Copacescu
VIIth International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Abstract A3 …, 1990
Elemente de radiobiologie vegetală
G Corneanu
Ed. Ceres, Bucureúti, 1989
Comparison of some morpho-anatomical features at fossil vegetal species and their actual correspondent species
GC Corneanu, M Corneanu, R Bercu
Studia UBB Geologia 49 (2), 77-84, 2004
The Structural Features of the Robinia Pseudocacia Var. Oltenia Leaves, Cultivated on Degraded Soils (Sterile Waste Dumps)
G Corneanu, C Craciun, M Corneanu, S Tripon
Annals of the University of Craiova-Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre …, 2009
Peroxidases as monitors of very low magnetic field effects
E Badea, C Babeanu, G Marinescu, GC Corneanu, M Comeanu
VI International Plant Peroxidase Symposium (3-7, July 2002), 2002
Considerations on human evolution and on species origin centers
CG Corneanu, M Corneanu
Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences 27 (2), 210-217, 2011
Evaluation of the genotoxicity of water bottled in PET recipients
M Corneanu, G Corneanu, N Jurescu, C Toptan
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 9 (11), 1531-1537, 2010
Preliminary studies about human bioenergy effect on in vitro vegetal cultures.
GC Corneanu, M Corneanu
Preliminary tests for Salix sp. tolerance to heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Pb)
M Corneanu, C Hernea, M Butnariu, G Corneanu, I Sărac, W Hollerbach, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10620, 2014
The radioprotective effect of Deuterium Depleted Water and polyphenols.
GC Corneanu, M Corneanu, C Crăciun, M Zagnat, I Ştefănescu, M Popa
Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 9 (11), 2010
Micropropagation of Robinia pseudoacacia var. oltenica selected stress resistant clones on media with deuterium depleted water.
M Corneanu, GC Corneanu, I Iliev, O Danci, I Stefanescu, M Popa
Effects of magnetic fluids on Nigella Damascena (Ranunculaceae) under conditions similar to extraterrestrial environment
GC Corneanu, M Corneanu, G Marinescu, E Badea, C Băbeanu, D Bica, ...
VIII-th Int. Conf. Magn. Fluids, 447, 1998
Investigations to detect ecosystem disturbances under the influence of anthropogenic factors
M CORNEANU, G CORNEANU, L Cojocaru, AR Lăcătuşu
Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele naturii, 219-227, 2012
Bioactive substances from the Nigella sativa seeds
G Corneanu, M Corneanu, C Craciun, V Ciupina, M Zagnat, P Atyim
Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Series on Agriculture Forestry …, 2012
The fungi species as indicators for heavy metals and/or radionuclids.
CG Corneanu, M Corneanu, A Lăcătușu, D Răduțoiu, L Cojocaru, ...
Medium culture composition and organogenesis processes in Drosera rotundifolia
M Corneanu, GC Corneanu, E Glodeanu, VV Morariu, L Gabor, R Minea, ...
Symposium on Plant Biotechnology as a tool for the Exploitation of Mountain …, 1997
The genotype, explant type and medium composition influence on in vitro multiplication in Pelargonium sp.
M Corneanu, GC Corneanu
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