Sormakov D.
Sormakov D.
RUSSIAN FEDERAL SERVICE FOR HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute"
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Survey of large-amplitude flapping motions in the midtail current sheet
VA Sergeev, DA Sormakov, SV Apatenkov, W Baumjohann, R Nakamura, ...
Annales Geophysicae 24 (7), 2015-2024, 2006
PC index as a proxy of the solar wind energy that entered into the magnetosphere: Development of magnetic substorms
OA Troshichev, NA Podorozhkina, DA Sormakov, AS Janzhura
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (8), 6521-6540, 2014
Relation of PC index to the geomagnetic storm Dst variation
O Troshichev, D Sormakov, A Janzhura
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (5-6), 611-622, 2011
PC index as a proxy of the solar wind energy that entered into the magnetosphere:(5) Verification of the solar wind parameters presented at OMNI website
OA Troshichev, DA Sormakov
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 196, 105147, 2019
PC index as a proxy of the solar wind energy that entered into the magnetosphere: 2. Relation to the interplanetary electric field E KL before substorm …
OA Troshichev, DA Sormakov
Earth, Planets and Space 67, 1-11, 2015
On the plasma sheet dependence on solar wind and substorms and its role in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
VA Sergeev, NP Dmitrieva, NA Stepanov, DA Sormakov, V Angelopoulos, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 67, 1-8, 2015
Superthermal proton and electron fluxes in the plasma sheet transition region and their dependence on solar wind parameters
NA Stepanov, VA Sergeev, DA Sormakov, VA Andreeva, SV Dubyagin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (4), e2020JA028580, 2021
Topology of magnetic flux ropes in the magnetospheric plasma sheet as measured by the Geotail spacecraft.
DA Sormakov, VA Sergeev
Cosmic Research 46 (5), 2008
Remote detection of drift resonance between energetic electrons and ultralow frequency waves: multisatellite coordinated observation by Arase and Van Allen Probes
M Teramoto, T Hori, S Saito, Y Miyoshi, S Kurita, N Higashio, A Matsuoka, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (21), 11642-11651, 2019
Relationship between PC index and magnetospheric field-aligned currents measured by Swarm satellites
О Troshichev, D Sormakov, R Behlke
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 168, 37-47, 2018
Drift‐bounce resonance between Pc5 pulsations and ions at multiple energies in the nightside magnetosphere: Arase and MMS observations
S Oimatsu, M Nosé, M Teramoto, K Yamamoto, A Matsuoka, S Kasahara, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (15), 7277-7286, 2018
A missing variable in solar wind‐magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling studies
VA Sergeev, DA Sormakov, V Angelopoulos
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (23), 8215-8220, 2014
How to distinguish between kink and sausage modes in flapping oscillations?
DI Kubyshkina, DA Sormakov, VA Sergeev, VS Semenov, NV Erkaev, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (4), 3002-3015, 2014
Invariability of relationships between the solar wind electric field EKL and the magnetic activity indices PC, AL and Dst
OA Troshichev, SA Dolgacheva, DA Sormakov
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 235, 105894, 2022
The PC Index Variations During 23/24 Solar Cycles: Relation to Solar Wind Parameters and Magnetospheric Disturbances
OA Troshichev, SA Dolgacheva, NA Stepanov, DA Sormakov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (1), e2020JA028491, 2021
Selective Acceleration of O+ by Drift‐Bounce Resonance in the Earth's Magnetosphere: MMS Observations
S Oimatsu, M Nosé, G Le, SA Fuselier, RE Ergun, PA Lindqvist, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (2), e2019JA027686, 2020
PC index as a proxy of the solar wind energy that entered into the magnetosphere: 4. Relationship between the solar wind dynamic pressure (PSW) impulses and PC, AL indices
OA Troshichev, DA Sormakov
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 182, 200-210, 2019
Sawtooth substorms generated under conditions of the steadily high solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere: Relationship between PC, AL and ASYM indices
O Troshichev, D Sormakov, A Janzhura
Advances in space research 49 (5), 872-882, 2012
Relations between PC index and substorm (AL) and storm (SYM, ASYM) indices under conditions of the steadily high solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere
OA Troshichev, DA Sormakov, A Janzhura
Adv Space Res 49, 872-882, 2012
Comment on “the use of invalid polar cap South (PCS) indices in publications” by stauning
OA Troshichev, SA Dolgacheva, DA Sormakov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 (10), e2022JA030820, 2022
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