Partheniadis Ioannis
Partheniadis Ioannis
Researcher, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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A mini-review: Needleless electrospinning of nanofibers for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications
I Partheniadis, I Nikolakakis, I Laidmäe, J Heinämäki
Processes 8 (6), 673, 2020
Self-emulsifying granules and pellets: Composition and formation mechanisms for instant or controlled release
I Nikolakakis, I Partheniadis
Pharmaceutics 9 (4), 50, 2017
Solubility improvement of progesterone from solid dispersions prepared by solvent evaporation and co-milling
X Chen, I Partheniadis, I Nikolakakis, H Al-Obaidi
Polymers 12 (4), 854, 2020
Formulation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of tablets of essential oil prepared by compression of spray-dried powder
I Partheniadis, S Vergkizi, D Lazari, C Reppas, I Nikolakakis
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 50, 226-236, 2019
Spectroscopic examination and release of microencapsulated oregano essential oil
I Partheniadis, P Karakasidou, S Vergkizi, I Nikolakakis
http://pub.iapchem.org/ojs/index.php/admet/article/view/426/pdf 4 (5), 224 - 233, 2017
Evaluation of spironolactone solid dispersions prepared by co-spray drying with soluplus® and polyvinylpyrrolidone and influence of tableting on drug release
N Al-Zoubi, F Odah, W Obeidat, A Al-Jaberi, I Partheniadis, I Nikolakakis
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 107 (9), 2385-2398, 2018
Essential oil—loaded nanofibers for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications: a systematic mini-review
I Partheniadis, G Stathakis, D Tsalavouti, J Heinämäki, I Nikolakakis
Pharmaceutics 14 (9), 1799, 2022
Enteric release essential oil prepared by co-spray drying methacrylate/polysaccharides—Influence of starch type
I Partheniadis, E Zarafidou, KE Litinas, I Nikolakakis
Pharmaceutics 12 (6), 571, 2020
Physicomechanical characterization and tablet compression of theophylline nanofibrous mats prepared by conventional and ultrasound enhanced electrospinning
I Partheniadis, K Athanasiou, I Laidmäe, J Heinämäki, I Nikolakakis
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 616, 121558, 2022
Influence of compression at elevated temperature on the compactibility of thermo-mechanically processed polymers
I Partheniadis, AE Karantzalis, RR Shah, N Al-Zoubi, I Nikolakakis
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 156, 64-75, 2020
Modulation of the release of a non-interacting low solubility drug from chitosan pellets using different pellet size, composition and numerical optimization
I Partheniadis, P Gkogkou, N Kantiranis, I Nikolakakis
Pharmaceutics 11 (4), 175, 2019
Impact of hot-melt-extrusion on solid-state properties of pharmaceutical polymers and classification using hierarchical cluster analysis
I Partheniadis, M Toskas, FM Stavras, G Menexes, I Nikolakakis
Processes 8 (10), 1208, 2020
Structure reinforcement of porous hydroxyapatite pellets using sodium carbonate as sintering aid: Microstructure, secondary phases and mechanical properties
I Partheniadis, T Papanikolaou, MF Noisternig, UJ Griesser, N Kantiranis, ...
Advanced Powder Technology 30 (8), 1642-1654, 2019
Spray drying of naproxen and naproxen sodium for improved tableting and dissolution–physicochemical characterization and compression performance
N Al-Zoubi, F Odeh, I Partheniadis, S Gharaibeh, I Nikolakakis
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 26 (2), 193-208, 2021
Mechanical properties of starch esters at particle and compact level-Comparisons and exploration of the applicability of Hiestand's equation to predict tablet strength
N Al-Zoubi, A Ardakani, F Odeh, N Sakhnini, I Partheniadis, I Nikolakakis
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 147, 105292, 2020
Application of multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks for the prediction of the packing and capsule filling performance of coated and plain pellets differing …
P Barmpalexis, I Partheniadis, KS Mitra, M Toskas, L Papadopoulou, ...
Pharmaceutics 12 (3), 244, 2020
Finite element analysis and modeling in pharmaceutical tableting
I Partheniadis, V Terzi, I Nikolakakis
Pharmaceutics 14 (3), 673, 2022
Co-spray drying drugs with aqueous polymer dispersions (APDs)—a systematic review
N Al-Zoubi, I Partheniadis, A Aljaberi, I Nikolakakis
AAPS PharmSciTech 23 (5), 140, 2022
Application of ultrasonics for nanosizing drugs and drug formulations
I Partheniadis, RR Shah, I Nikolakakis
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 43 (11), 1587-1602, 2022
Preparation, characterization, and in vitro release of microencapsulated essential oil hydroxyapatite pellets filled into multifunctional capsules
I Partheniadis, M Koukourikou, D Tsalavouti, I Nikolakakis
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 80, 104114, 2023
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