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Cause of death and predictors of all‐cause mortality in anticoagulated patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: data from ROCKET AF SD Pokorney, JP Piccini, SR Stevens, MR Patel, KS Pieper, JL Halperin, ... Journal of the American Heart Association 5 (3), e002197, 2016 | 162 | 2016 |
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Management and 1‐year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease: results from the prospective GARFIELD‐AF registry S Goto, P Angchaisuksiri, JP Bassand, AJ Camm, H Dominguez, ... Journal of the American Heart Association 8 (3), e010510, 2019 | 62 | 2019 |
Emergency care of patients receiving non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants JW Eikelboom, S Kozek-Langenecker, A Exadaktylos, A Batorova, Z Boda, ... British journal of anaesthesia 120 (4), 645-656, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |
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Тромболитическая терапия при остром коронарном синдроме с элевацией сегмента ST: необходимо ли изменить стандарт реперфузионной терапии? ГВ Дзяк, ЕА Коваль Укр. кардіол. журнал, 15-21, 2004 | 34 | 2004 |
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Клинико-иммунологические критерии оценки прогноза и лечения атеросклероза и ревматизма ГВ Дзяк, ЕА Коваль Журн АМН України 4 (1), 78-87, 1998 | 21 | 1998 |
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