A note on employment and gross domestic product in Swedish family-owned businesses: A descriptive analysis CM Bjuggren, D Johansson, H Sjögren Family Business Review 24 (4), 362-371, 2011 | 130 | 2011 |
Creating nordic capitalism S Fellman, MJ Iversen, H Sjögren, L Thue The business history of a competitive periphery, 2008 | 113 | 2008 |
Characteristics of collaboration in product innovation in the regional system of innovation of East Gothia C Edquist, ML Eriksson, H Sjögren European Planning Studies 10 (5), 563-581, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |
The search for competent capital: financing of high technology small firms in Sweden and USA H Sjögren, M Zackrisson Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 7 (1 …, 2005 | 69 | 2005 |
Welfare capitalism. The Swedish economy 1850–2005 H Sjögren Creating Nordic capitalism: The Business history of a competitive periphery …, 2008 | 35 | 2008 |
Vägen till och från bankkrisen M Larsson, H Sjögren Stockholm: Carlssons förlag, 1995 | 33 | 1995 |
United we stand, divided we fall: historical trajectory of strategic renewal activities at the Scandinavian Airlines System, 1946–2012 J Amankwah-Amoah, J Ottosson, H Sjögren Business History 59 (4), 572-606, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
The emergence and organizational persistence of business groups in China, Japan, and Sweden L Zhang, H Sjögren, M Kishida Industrial and Corporate Change, dtw006, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Long-term financial contracts in the bank-orientated financial system H Sjögren Scandinavian Journal of Management 10 (3), 315-330, 1994 | 28 | 1994 |
Family capitalism within big business H Sjögren Scandinavian Economic History Review 54 (2), 161-186, 2006 | 27 | 2006 |
Creating Nordic Capitalism: The development of a competitive periphery S Fellman, MJ Iversen, H Sjögren, L Thue Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Konkursinstitutets betydelse i svensk ekonomi K Gratzer, H Sjögren Gidlund i samarbete med Riksbankens jubileumsfond, 1999 | 25 | 1999 |
Vägen till och från bankkrisen: Svenska banksystemets förändring 1969-94 M Larsson, H Sjögren Carlsson Bokförlag, 1995 | 24 | 1995 |
Effects on stem growth of Scots pine 33 years after thinning and/or fertilization in northern Sweden E Valinger, H Sjögren, G Nord, J Cedergren Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 34 (1), 33-38, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Den uthålliga kapitalismen: bolagsstyrningen i Astra, Stora Kopparberg och Svenska tändsticksaktiebolaget H Sjögren SNS förlag, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Banking systems as “ideal types” and as political economy: the Swedish case, 1820–1914 H Lindgren, H Sjögren The Origins of National Financial Systems. Alexander Gerschenkron …, 2003 | 20 | 2003 |
Small firm financing in Sweden, 1960–95 H Sjögren, S Jungerhem Business History 38 (3), 27-47, 1996 | 17 | 1996 |
Family dynasties: The evolution of global business in Scandinavia H Sjögren Routledge, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Bank och näringsliv: tvärsnittsanalyser och longitudinella studier av relationen mellan svenska företag och affärsbanker inom det bankorienterade finansiella systemet 1916-1947 H Sjögren Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1991 | 13 | 1991 |
Family business, Employment, and GDP D Johansson, H Sjögren, CM Bjuggren Milan. June 5, 23, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |