Sandra Hasanefendic
Sandra Hasanefendic
Vrije University Amsterdam, ISCTE IUL Portugal
在 vu.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Individuals in action: Bringing about innovation in higher education
S Hasanefendic, JM Birkholz, H Horta, P Van Der Sijde
European Journal of Higher Education 7 (2), 101-119, 2017
Training students for new jobs: The role of technical and vocational higher education and implications for science policy in Portugal
S Hasanefendic, M Heitor, H Horta
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 113, 328-340, 2016
Higher Education institutional governance reforms in the Netherlands, Portugal and Italy: A policy translation perspective addressing the homogeneous/heterogeneous dilemma
D Donina, S Hasanefendic
Higher Education Quarterly 73 (1), 29-44, 2019
The cost of photovoltaics: Re-evaluating grid parity for PV systems in China
R Wang, S Hasanefendic, E Von Hauff, B Bossink
Renewable Energy 194, 469-481, 2022
Researching the crowd: Implications on philanthropic crowdfunding and donor characteristics during a pandemic
C van Teunenbroek, S Hasanefendic
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing 28 (1), e1773, 2023
Young doctorates in a fast-changing higher education system
H Horta, S Hasanefendic
M. Yudkevich, P. ltbach, e L. Rumbley (Eds.), Faculty in the twenty-first …, 2015
Responding to new policy demands: a comparative study of Portuguese and Dutch non-university higher education organizations
S Hasanefendic
Heterogeneous responses of Portuguese polytechnics to new research policy demands
S Hasanefendic, MT Patricio, FGA de Bakker
The University as a Critical Institution?, 135-153, 2017
Upscaling sustainable energy technology: From demonstration to transformation
B Bossink, ML Blankesteijn, S Hasanefendic
Energy Research & Social Science 103, 103208, 2023
A systematic literature review of the smart city transformation process: the role and interaction of stakeholders and technology
Y Dai, S Hasanefendic, B Bossink
Sustainable Cities and Society, 105112, 2023
“Brain drain, brain gain… Brain sustain?” Challenges in building portuguese human research capacity
S Hasanefendic
Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 117-135, 2017
Professional field in the accreditation process: examining information technology programmes at Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences
H Frederik, S Hasanefendic, P van der Sijde
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 42 (2), 208-225, 2017
Endurance in the face of environmental transformations: a practice-oriented perspective on organizational identity
S Hasanefendic, D Donina
Studies in Higher Education 47 (11), 2336-2350, 2022
Towards carbon neutrality: A multi-objective optimization model for photovoltaics systems installation planning
R Wang, S Hasanefendic, E Von Hauff, B Bossink
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 62, 103625, 2024
A heuristic perspective on organizational strategizing in complex and coherent higher education fields
S Hasanefendic, D Donina
Tertiary Education and Management 29 (4), 391-409, 2023
Het wetsvoorstel zorg en dwang: een verantwoorde verbetering voor de rechtspositie van mensne met een verstandelijke beperking en dementie?
BJM Frederiks, J Legemaate, K Blankman, C Hertogh
Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht, 76-86, 2010
A System Dynamics Approach to Technological Learning Impact for the Cost Estimation of Solar Photovoltaics
R Wang, S Hasanefendic, E Von Hauff, B Bossink
Energies 16 (24), 8005, 2023
Internal organizational factors driving digital transformation for business model innovation in SMEs
C Van Tonder, S Hasanefendic, B Bossink, C Schachtebeck, ...
Journal of Business Models 11 (2), 2023
Upscaling Sustainable Energy Demonstrations
B Bossink, M Blankesteijn, S Hasanefendic
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 11838, 2023
Towards carbon neutrality: A multi-objective optimization model for PV systems installation planning
R Wang, S Hasanefendic, E von Hauff, B Bossink
13th International Conference on Renewable and Clean Energy, 2023
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