Factors affecting implementation of good government governance (GGG) and their implications towards performance accountability L Nofianti, NS Suseno Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 164, 98-105, 2014 | 85 | 2014 |
An Empirical Analysis of Auditor Independence and Audit Fees on Audit Quality NS Suseno International Journal of Management and Business Studies 3 (3), 81-87, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
Makna Simbolik Tradisi Rebo Kasan R Rahmawati, ZF Nurhadi, NS Suseno Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi 20 (1), 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance NS Suseno, T Hermina, A Ramdhani, L Utari International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 4 (Blue …, 2019 | 32* | 2019 |
Pengaruh Gender, Motivasi Eksternal dan Internal Terhadap Persepsi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Dalam Memilih Karir Sebagai Akuntan Publik NS Suseno Jurnal Komunikasi Hasil Pemikiran dan Penelitian 4 (Program Studi Ilmu …, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
The influence of independence, size of public accountant office toward audit quality and its impact on public accountant office reputation NS Suseno International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 2 (3), 123-126, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Empirical evidence of audit firm size toward audit quality and reputation of public accounting firm NS Suseno, L Nofianti Advanced science letters 24 (5), 3327-3331, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Identifikasi Behavioral Intention dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model NS Suseno, DC Ingawan, I Rosmayati Jurnal Algoritma 18 (1), 292-301, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Netflix consumer preference analysis I Annissa, W Susilawati, N Suseno, NA Hamdani Strategic: Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis 20 (2), 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Riset Kualitatif ZF Nurhadi, NS Suseno Depok: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Mental Accounting dan Heuristik dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Pribadi NN Insani, NS Suseno, M Romdhon Jurnal Wahana Akuntansi: Sarana Informasi Ekonomi dan Akuntansi 3 (2), 78-85, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Literature Review The Effect Of Independence, Size, Of Public Accountant Office Toward Audit Quality And Its Impact On Public Accountant Office Reputation NS Suseno Journal of Applied Sciences Researches 9 (1), 62-66, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Pengaruh Akuntabilitas Dana Desa dan Pelayanan Kantor Desa Sukaratu saat Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat BS Aji, NS Suseno, I Rosmayati Jurnal Wahana Akuntansi: Sarana Informasi Ekonomi dan Akuntansi 6 (1), 21-32, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Pengaruh E-Marketing Terhadap Brand Image dan Dampaknya Terhadap Purchase Intention (Survei Pada Cafe di Kabupaten Garut) SR Ulfha, T Hermina, NS Suseno Journal Of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management 2 (02), 51-58, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Pengungkapan akuntansi lingkungan dan biaya lingkungan terhadap kinerja lingkungan NS Suseno, M Romdhon, S Rochmatunisa Jurnal Al-Iqtishad 16 (2), 16-38, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Factors Affecting Tourists' Destination Patronizing Intentions Toward Mount Papandayan Tourism, Indonesia DT Alamanda, NS Suseno, A Ramdhani, S Desianti ISETH 2019 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity), 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Social Construction of Masculine Women Identity NSS Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi, Ummu Salamah, Yully Destari International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (sciencepubco.com), 326-329, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Confirming Research and Development Intensity as the Expected Growth Driver in Manufacturing Firms NS Suseno, H Aulawi Review of integrative Business and economics 8 (GMP Press and Printing), 364-371, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Analisis Penyajian Laporan Keuangan berdasarkan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik A Mauludin, NS Suseno, I Rosmayati Jurnal Wahana Akuntansi: Sarana Informasi Ekonomi dan Akuntansi 2 (2), 31-41, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
The Implementation of Human Resources Development Policy to Increase Employee's Performance NSS Ummu Salamah, Pupung Pundenswari, Hilda Ainissyifa International Business Management 11 (Medwell Journals), 966-971, 2017 | 2* | 2017 |