Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki
Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki
在 telkomuniversity.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Peningkatan Keterampilan ICT untuk Guru melalui Pelatihan Konten Digital Pembelajaran Berbasis Sumber Terbuka (Open Sources)
TI Slamet, A Alfiansyah, WF Al Maki, FA Musyafa, A Satyaputra, P Fathoni, ...
Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (1), 118-130, 2020
Deteksi Penyakit Tanaman Cabai Menggunakan Metode Convolutional Neural Network
ATR Dzaky, WF Al Maki
eProceedings of Engineering 8 (2), 2021
Blind deconvolution algorithm for spatially-invariant motion blurred images based on inverse filtering and DST
WF Al Maki, S Sugimoto
International journal of circuits, systems and signal processing 1 (1), 92-100, 2007
Broccoli leaf diseases classification using support vector machine with particle swarm optimization based on feature selection
Y Ferdinand, WF Al Maki
International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 8 (3), 337-348, 2022
improving clustering method performance using K-Means, mini batch K-Means, BIRCH and spectral
T Wahyuningrum, S Khomsah, S Suyanto, S Meliana, PE Yunanto, ...
2021 4th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2021
Hybrid method for flower classification in high intra-class variation
FR Siregar, WF Al Maki
2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2020
Klasifikasi Penyakit pada Tanaman Kopi Robusta Berdasarkan Citra Daun Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network
SA Sabrina, WF Al Maki
eProceedings of Engineering 9 (3), 2022
Classification of dried clove flower quality using convolutional neural network
FA Chalik, WF Al Maki
2021 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and …, 2021
Classification of ornamental betta fish using convolutional neural network method and grabcut segmentation
DM Hibban, WF Al Maki
2021 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA …, 2021
Sentiment analysis on marketplace review using hybrid lexicon and svm method
MMD Putra, WF Al Maki, A Romadhony
2021 9th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2021
PSF estimation and image restoration for noiseless motion blurred images
WF AM, T Shimahashi, M Matsubara, S Sugimoto
SSIP, 1-7, 2008
Space invariant blur estimation and noiseless kalman filter-based image deconvolution
WF Al Maki, T Shimahashi, T Kitagawa, S Sugimoto
Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Control, and Information 5 (1), 2009
Hops Plants Disease Detection using Feature Selection based BPSO-SVM
A Farhanah, WFA Maki
2022 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer …, 2022
Graph Coloring Program of Exam Scheduling Modeling Based on Bitwise Coloring Algorithm Using Python
SA , Indra Bayu Muktyas, Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki, Mohd Khairul Bazli Mohd Aziz
Journal of Computer Science 18 (1), 26-32, 2022
Big cats classification based on body covering
FJ Pratama, WF Al Maki, F Sthevanie
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) 5 (5), 984-991, 2021
Peringkas Teks Otomatis Bahasa Indonesia secara Abstraktif Menggunakan Metode Long Short-Term Memory
MA Saputra, WF Al Maki
eProceedings of Engineering 8 (2), 2021
A New Approach of Blind Image Deconvolution Method without Artifact along the Blurring Paths
WF Al Maki, T Shimahashi, T Kitagawa, S Sugimoto
Proc. 39th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and …, 2007
Damage classification on roads using machine learning
F Iraldi, WF Al Maki
2021 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA …, 2021
Engagement experiences on using gamified platform in pre-service teacher education
TI Slamet, P Setyosari, WF Al Maki, J Varelo, HI Oktaviani
2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), 43-48, 2019
Restoration of rotational motion blurred images using the inverse filters
T Morimoto, N Isoe, Y Ohizumi, WF Al Maki, S Sugimoto
Proceedings of the ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems …, 2011
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