Julio Muro Erreguerena
Julio Muro Erreguerena
Profesor Titular (UPNA)
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Ammonium oxidation kinetics in the presence of nitrification inhibitors DCD and DMPP at various temperatures
I Irigoyen, J Muro, M Azpilikueta, P Aparicio-Tejo, C Lamsfus
Soil Research 41 (6), 1177-1183, 2003
Foliar application of urea to “Sauvignon Blanc” and “Merlot” vines: Doses and time of application
B Lasa, S Menendez, K Sagastizabal, MEC Cervantes, I Irigoyen, J Muro, ...
Plant Growth Regulation 67, 73-81, 2012
Comparison of hydroponic culture and culture in a peat/sand mixture and the influence of nutrient solution and plant density on seed potato yields
J Muro, V Diaz, JL Goni, C Lamsfus
Potato Research 40, 431-438, 1997
Aerodynamic analysis of several insect-proof screens used in greenhouses
DL Valera, AJ Álvarez, FD Molina
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (4), 273-279, 2006
Oxidation of dimethyl ether and its interaction with nitrogen oxides
MU Alzueta, J Muro, R Bilbao, P Glarborg
Israel journal of chemistry 39 (1), 73-86, 1999
Meat waste as feedstock for home composting: Effects on the process and quality of compost
F Storino, JS Arizmendiarrieta, I Irigoyen, J Muro, PM Aparicio-Tejo
Waste Management 56, 53-62, 2016
Defoliation effects on sunflower yield reduction
J Muro, I Irigoyen, AF Militino, C Lamsfus
Agronomy Journal 93 (3), 634-637, 2001
Evolution of organic matter and drainages in wood fibre and coconut fibre substrates
I Domeño, N Irigoyen, J Muro
Scientia horticulturae 122 (2), 269-274, 2009
The influence of 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate and dicyandiamide on reducing nitrate accumulation in spinach under Mediterranean conditions
I Irigoyen, C Lamsfus, P Aparicio-Tejo, J Muro
The Journal of Agricultural Science 144 (6), 555-562, 2006
Effect of defoliation by simulated hail damage on yield of potato cultivars with different maturity performed in Spain
I Irigoyen, I Domeño, J Muro
American Journal of Potato Research 88, 82-90, 2011
New wood fibre substrates characterization and evaluation in hydroponic tomato culture
I Domeño, I Irigoyen, J Muro
European Journal of Horticultural Science 75 (2), 89, 2010
Wood fiber as growing medium in hydroponic crop
J Muro, I Irigoyen, P Samitier, P Mazuela, MC Salas, J Soler, ...
International Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics 697, 179-185, 2004
Effect of defoliation on onion crop yield
J Muro, I Irigoyen, C Lamsfus
Scientia horticulturae 77 (1-2), 1-10, 1998
Comparison of traditional and improved methods for estimating the stability of organic growing media
I Domeño, I Irigoyen, J Muro
Scientia horticulturae 130 (1), 335-340, 2011
Effect of defoliation on garlic yield
J Muro, I Irigoyen, C Lamsfus, AF Militino
Scientia Horticulturae 86 (2), 161-167, 2000
Effect of feeding regime on composting in bins
F Storino, S Menéndez, J Muro, PM Aparicio-Tejo, I Irigoyen
Compost Science & Utilization 25 (2), 71-81, 2017
Effect of digested sewage sludge on the efficiency of N-fertilizer applied to barley
B Lasa, M Quemada, S Frechilla, J Muro, C Lamsfus, PM Aparicio-Tejo
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 48, 241-246, 1997
Manejo, dosificación y gestión agronómica del compost
R Moral, J Muro
Compostaje, 351-378, 2008
Defoliation timing and severity in sugar beet
J Muro, I Irigoyen, C Lamsfus
Agronomy journal 90 (6), 800-804, 1998
Isotopic composition of maize as related to N-fertilization and irrigation in the Mediterranean region
B Lasa, I Irañeta, J Muro, I Irigoyen, PM Aparicio Tejo
Scientia Agricola 68, 182-190, 2011
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