Asghar Zarei
Asghar Zarei
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology
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Automatic detection of obstructive sleep apnea using wavelet transform and entropy-based features from single-lead ECG signal
A Zarei, BM Asl
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (3), 1011-1021, 2018
Automatic seizure detection using orthogonal matching pursuit, discrete wavelet transform, and entropy based features of EEG signals
A Zarei, BM Asl
Computers in Biology and Medicine 131, 104250, 2021
Automatic classification of apnea and normal subjects using new features extracted from HRV and ECG-derived respiration signals
A Zarei, BM Asl
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 59, 101927, 2020
Detection of sleep apnea using deep neural networks and single-lead ECG signals
A Zarei, H Beheshti, BM Asl
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71, 103125, 2022
Performance evaluation of the spectral autocorrelation function and autoregressive models for automated sleep apnea detection using single-lead ECG signal
A Zarei, BM Asl
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 195, 105626, 2020
Automatic detection of epileptic seizures using Riemannian geometry from scalp EEG recordings
A Shariat, A Zarei, SA Karvigh, BM Asl
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 59, 1431-1445, 2021
Balance-energy of resting state network in obsessive-compulsive disorder
A Talesh, A Zarei, S Yazdi-Ravandi, A Ghaleiha, F Shamsaei, N Matinnia, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 10423, 2023
Automatic detection of code-modulated visual evoked potentials using novel covariance estimators and short-time EEG signals
A Zarei, BM Asl
Computers in Biology and Medicine 147, 105771, 2022
Classification of code-modulated visual evoked potentials using adaptive modified covariance beamformer and EEG signals
A Zarei, BM Asl
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 221, 106859, 2022
Enhancing multi-class SSVEP classification performance using regularized covariance estimators, spatiotemporal beamforming, and short-time EEG trials
A Zarei, BM Asl
Measurement 224, 113861, 2024
Automatic classification of normal and abnormal cardiac sounds by combining features based on wavelet transform and capstral coefficients extracted from PCG signals
A Zarei, A Ghasemi, M Gholamipour
Journal of Acoustical Society of Iran 10 (1), 1-12, 2022
Combining pattern recognition and deep-learning-based algorithms to automatically detect commercial quadcopters using audio signals
A Zarei, A Ghasemi, H Sadeghi, M Gholamipour
Journal of Acoustical Engineering Society of Iran 10 (1), 2022
A Non-contact heart rate estimation framework based on photoplethysmography amplitude variation elimination and data fusion
A Rasti-Meymandi, R Karimzadeh, A Zarei, A Ghaffari
2021 28th National and 6th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical …, 2021
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