Founding‐family ownership and firm performance: evidence from the S&P 500 RC Anderson, DM Reeb The journal of finance 58 (3), 1301-1328, 2003 | 8503 | 2003 |
Board characteristics, accounting report integrity, and the cost of debt RC Anderson, SA Mansi, DM Reeb Journal of accounting and economics 37 (3), 315-342, 2004 | 2807 | 2004 |
Founding family ownership and the agency cost of debt RC Anderson, SA Mansi, DM Reeb Journal of Financial economics 68 (2), 263-285, 2003 | 2738 | 2003 |
Board composition: Balancing family influence in S&P 500 firms RC Anderson, DM Reeb Administrative science quarterly 49 (2), 209-237, 2004 | 1916 | 2004 |
Founding-family ownership, corporate diversification, and firm leverage RC Anderson, DM Reeb The Journal of Law and Economics 46 (2), 653-684, 2003 | 1028 | 2003 |
Founders, heirs, and corporate opacity in the United States RC Anderson, A Duru, DM Reeb Journal of Financial economics 92 (2), 205-222, 2009 | 854 | 2009 |
The economics of director heterogeneity RC Anderson, DM Reeb, A Upadhyay, W Zhao Financial Management 40 (1), 5-38, 2011 | 736 | 2011 |
International diversification and analysts' forecast accuracy and bias A Duru, DM Reeb The Accounting Review 77 (2), 415-433, 2002 | 619 | 2002 |
Missing r&d PS Koh, DM Reeb Journal of accounting and economics 60 (1), 73-94, 2015 | 617 | 2015 |
Corporate diversification: what gets discounted? SA Mansi, DM Reeb The journal of Finance 57 (5), 2167-2183, 2002 | 605 | 2002 |
Systematic risk of the multinational corporation DM Reeb, CCY Kwok, HY Baek Journal of International Business Studies 29, 263-279, 1998 | 563 | 1998 |
Investment policy in family controlled firms RC Anderson, A Duru, DM Reeb Journal of banking & finance 36 (6), 1744-1758, 2012 | 475 | 2012 |
Internationalization and firm risk: An upstream-downstream hypothesis CCY Kwok, DM Reeb Journal of international business studies 31, 611-629, 2000 | 403 | 2000 |
Endogeneity in international business research D Reeb, M Sakakibara, IP Mahmood Research methods in international business, 359-375, 2020 | 401* | 2020 |
Ranking the international business journals FL DuBois, D Reeb Journal of International Business Studies 31, 689-704, 2000 | 370 | 2000 |
Family‐controlled firms and informed trading: Evidence from short sales RC Anderson, DM Reeb, W Zhao The Journal of Finance 67 (1), 351-385, 2012 | 275 | 2012 |
Firm internationalization and the cost of debt financing: Evidence from non-provisional publicly traded debt DM Reeb, SA Mansi, JM Allee Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 36 (3), 395-414, 2001 | 225 | 2001 |
Law, finance, and the international mobility of corporate governance D Cumming, I Filatotchev, A Knill, DM Reeb, L Senbet Journal of International Business Studies 48, 123-147, 2017 | 158 | 2017 |
Corporate international activity and debt financing SA Mansi, DM Reeb Journal of international business studies 33, 129-147, 2002 | 147 | 2002 |
Director capital and corporate disclosure quality DM Reeb, W Zhao Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 32 (4), 191-212, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |