Late adoption of the multidivisional form by large US corporations: Institutional, political, and economic accounts DA Palmer, PD Jennings, X Zhou Administrative science quarterly, 100-131, 1993 | 1055 | 1993 |
The dynamics of rules: Change in written organizational codes JG March, M Schulz, X Zhou Stanford University Press, 2000 | 937 | 2000 |
Economic transformation and income inequality in urban China: evidence from panel data X Zhou American Journal of Sociology 105 (4), 1135-1174, 2000 | 709 | 2000 |
组织社会学十讲 周雪光 社会科学文献出版社, 2003 | 637 | 2003 |
基层政府间的 “共谋现象” 周雪光 社会学研究 6, 2-21, 2008 | 456 | 2008 |
Children of the Cultural Revolution: The state and the life course in the People's Republic of China X Zhou, L Hou American sociological review 64 (1), 12-36, 1999 | 416 | 1999 |
“逆向软预算约束”: 一个政府行为的组织分析 Ξ 周雪光 | 407 | 2005 |
权威体制与有效治理: 当代中国国家治理的制度逻辑 周雪光 开放时代 10, 67-85, 2011 | 381 | 2011 |
The institutional logic of collusion among local governments in China X Zhou Modern China 36 (1), 47-78, 2010 | 358 | 2010 |
Unorganized interests and collective action in communist China X Zhou American Sociological Review, 54-73, 1993 | 345 | 1993 |
Educational Stratification in Urban China: 1949-94. X Zhou, P Moen, NB Tuma Sociology of Education 71 (3), 199-222, 1998 | 340 | 1998 |
The institutional logic of occupational prestige ranking: Reconceptualization and reanalyses X Zhou American Journal of Sociology 111 (1), 90-140, 2005 | 314 | 2005 |
Status processes in enduring work groups BP Cohen, X Zhou American Sociological Review, 179-188, 1991 | 308 | 1991 |
运动型治理机制: 中国国家治理的制度逻辑再思考 周雪光 开放时代 9, 2012 | 282 | 2012 |
Institutional change and job-shift patterns in urban China, 1949 to 1994 X Zhou, NB Tuma, P Moen American Sociological Review, 339-365, 1997 | 273 | 1997 |
The dynamics of organizational rules X Zhou American Journal of Sociology 98 (5), 1134-1166, 1993 | 270 | 1993 |
Embeddedness and contractual relationships in China's transitional economy X Zhou, W Zhao, Q Li, H Cai American Sociological Review 68 (1), 75-102, 2003 | 268 | 2003 |
Stratification dynamics under state socialism: The case of urban China, 1949–1993 X Zhou, NB Tuma, P Moen Social Forces 74 (3), 759-796, 1996 | 251 | 1996 |
The friendly and predatory acquisition of large US corporations in the 1960s: The other contested terrain D Palmer, BM Barber, X Zhou, Y Soysal American Sociological Review, 469-499, 1995 | 234 | 1995 |
关系产权”: 产权制度的一个社会学解释 周雪光 社会学研究 2 (3), 2005 | 209 | 2005 |